Otolaryngology (ENT doctor)
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Otorhinolaryngology (ENT doctor)

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT doctor)

Our clinic hosts consultations with a highly qualified ENT specialist (otolaryngologist) of the highest category with over 20 years of experience – Antonina Pavlovna Poltavets. Her arsenal includes all modern methods of diagnostics and treatment, including cryotherapy, cryodestruction, and cryo-spraying.
Medicine is constantly advancing, unveiling new treatment possibilities. One of the revolutionary achievements was the discovery of a method of therapy for various diseases using cold, which has been named cryotherapy. The greatest effectiveness of this method is noted in the treatment of cold-related diseases – sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, allergies, as well as in the prevention of influenza and in hardening the body.
The essence of cryotherapy lies in the short-term contact of the body surface, affected by one disease or another, with gas cooled to temperatures from -130 to -150 degrees Celsius. For this, argon or liquid nitrogen is used. At the moment of cooling, the pathological area dies due to freezing. In addition, respiratory and regenerative processes are stimulated. The advantage of the method is its painlessness and simplicity of use. Local and general cryotherapy are distinguished, where in the first case specific body areas are frozen, and in the second – the whole body is cooled. As we have already mentioned above, local cryotherapy has shown high efficacy in otolaryngology, Genesis Clinic Dnepropetrovsk was one of the first to use it in treating upper respiratory tract diseases in children and adults (tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, nosebleeds). For example, chronic tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils (glands). Cryodestruction of the palatine tonsils allows avoiding surgical intervention, is performed under local anesthesia and is easily tolerated. Cryotherapy of the palatine tonsils is a less radical and also very popular method of treating tonsillitis. In the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in children aged 3 to 12 years, a gentle method is used – cryospraying, where the entire throat is cooled, not just the tonsils. This is a very effective method of treatment, which has no contraindications, does not involve pain, and lasts up to half an hour including the examination. After all, when working with children, these are decisive factors! Cryotherapy for tonsillitis involves 3-4 procedures over 2-4 months. To maintain the effect and strengthen the immune system, the treating doctor may prescribe additional procedures. In gentle organ-preserving cryotherapy, there are no negative consequences that arise after tonsillectomy: pain, reduced local immunity, long recovery period, and psychological trauma.
To schedule an appointment, call +38(096) 370-13-24

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