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In the GENESIS DNEPR clinic, a therapeutic department has opened, where three therapists conduct consultations, capable of quickly and accurately diagnosing various patient ailments and determining the further course of treatment. If necessary, specialized experts from different fields of medicine are invited. In our 24-hour inpatient facility, you can treat almost all acute and chronic diseases without taking time away from your professional activities.
In the arsenal of our therapeutic department - a full range of functional diagnostic tests, ultrasound of all organs and systems, and the clinic's own modern robotic laboratory.
Our general practitioner sees patients for all types of issues and accompanies the patient throughout the entire path of examination and treatment. In controversial or complex cases, the doctor involves specialists from related fields for consultation and joint development of a treatment plan. However,
he still continues to control the entire treatment process and bears full responsibility for the patient. Essentially, the general practitioner in our clinic is a kind of "advocate" for your health.
To get more information and make an appointment, you can call 0963701324.
Therapy at GENESIS DNEPR Clinic
Many people are accustomed to thinking that a general practitioner is only needed to measure blood pressure, treat a cold, prescribe some medications, or issue a sick leave. In reality,
Modern therapy encompasses a variety of medical fields, and the general practitioner acts as a kind of guide for all other specialists: it is he who assesses the overall condition of the human body and determines which of its systems currently need close diagnostics and treatment.
Gastroenterological endoscopic studies
More and more people recently suffer from gastrointestinal diseases,
the effectiveness of the treatment of which largely depends on timely and correctly conducted endoscopic studies. Our clinic offers patients the opportunity to undergo diagnostics on the best modern equipment,
with maximum comfort,
analgesia, and,
if necessary,
safe anesthesia,
during which a person enters a so-called medicated sleep.
· gastroscopy (EGDS) is conducted for suspicions of various esophagus and stomach diseases,
as well as for excluding oncological changes.
· Colonoscopy is performed for the diagnosis of various neoplasms, inflammatory processes, ulcers, and other pathologies of the colon.
All endoscopic examinations at GENESIS DNEPR are carried out by experienced specialists in the conditions of maximum comfort and are absolutely safe.
We offer our patients an intellectual weight loss program called "smart slim surfing" - a system,
Developed with consideration for all physiological and psychological characteristics of the body and having no analogs. The extensive experience of our specialists has allowed us to create a program designed for people who want not just to lose weight but to understand the principle of safe and sustainable body mass reduction using knowledge from modern therapy, nutrition, endocrinology, and immunology.
As a result of passing the "smart slim surfing" course over the course of one year, a patient completely changes his habits and achieves the desired weight. But most importantly - by following the principles of healthy, full-fledged nutrition without the slightest psychological discomfort, the body is guaranteed to become healthier and rejuvenated.
The problem of excess weight is closely related to such a disease as type 2 diabetes. According to statistics,
He accounts for about 90% of all diabetics in the world and every year the number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes only increases. People who are overweight and over the age of 45 are at risk, however, this disease can also affect individuals at a younger age.
Doctors at the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic use a comprehensive approach in treating type 2 diabetes, which leads to sustainable positive outcomes.
Also, our clinic conducts all laboratory tests and research,
necessary for prevention and timely diagnosis of diabetes.
The GENESIS DNEPR clinic hospital is equipped according to the highest standards of a five-star hotel.
Here you can treat virtually all acute and chronic diseases of various body systems without taking time off from work.
The hospital has WI-FI,
telephone and fax,
which allows patients to address urgent work issues at any moment.
The exclusive inpatient service includes 24/7 communication with the attending physician, a personal medical coordinator, and a personal chef.
Comprehensive examination CHECK-UP
Previously, to undergo so-called dispensary screening, it was necessary to spend a huge amount of free time to stand in lines to see various specialists. Today, many advanced clinics are changing their approach to preventive measures.
offering well-thought-out comprehensive check-up programs called CHECK-UP («check-up»).
Previously, the term «check-up» was virtually unknown to our compatriots,
as it was used in the routine of prestigious European clinics,
offering diagnostic programs in an ultra-short time.
As a result of studying the experience of leading European clinics and analyzing its own many years of developments, the GENESIS clinic developed a program for comprehensive medical examination,
allowing to identify the slightest deviations in the functioning of the body at the initial stages.
Such diagnostics, conducted under the control of an experienced therapist, provides the opportunity to start treatment at the most favorable stage of the disease and achieve good results. Also, a comprehensive examination allows assessing the need for prescribing certain medications and adjusting the treatment of chronic ailments.
In our clinic, there are all the conditions for your visit to the therapist to be beneficial for you,
Effective and psychologically pleasing.
Do not be lazy to take care of your health,
and the body will thank you with excellent well-being and a high level of life energy at any age!
You can make an appointment with a therapist at the clinic’s reception,
by calling the indicated phone numbers or directly on our website,
receiving an additional 20% discount when paying online.
Работаем ежедневно:
Украина, 49050 г. Днепр
ул. 25 Сичеславской Бригады (ул. Рыбинская), 119-120
Email: ivf.genesis.dnepr@gmail.com
+38(096) 370-13-24
+38(056) 370-13-23
Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp: +38(067) 544-68-28