Endocrinology at Genesis Dnepr. Treatment of type 2 diabetes.
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Endocrinology. Treatment of diabetes.

Endocrinology. Treatment of diabetes.
TYPE 2 DIABETES There are about 200 million people worldwide suffering from diabetes, with almost 90% of them having type 2 diabetes. Typically, it affects people over the age of 45 who are overweight. The insidiousness of TYPE 2 DIABETES lies in the fact that it is asymptomatic in its early years. And a person considers himself absolutely healthy while diabetes - "the silent killer" - has already begun its destructive action. Type 2 diabetes is most often diagnosed by accident. In the entire civilized world, people over the age of 40 are mandatorily screened for this dangerous disease. This is because the earlier diabetes is detected, the fewer risks there are of severe complications. Especially, the following symptoms should raise concerns: - thirst and dryness in the mouth - frequent urination - skin itchiness (often in the genital area) - headache and dizziness - sensations of tingling, numbness and heaviness in the legs - calf muscle cramps - increased fatigue, Sleep disturbances
  • Vision impairments ("white veil")
  • Slow wound healing and prolonged infection course
  • Weight loss despite good appetite
  • Low body temperature (below 36°C)
  • If a person is overweight or has diabetic relatives, it is necessary to check blood sugar annually. The clinic has accumulated unique experience in treating type 2 diabetes patients.

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