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In our clinic, we offer you diagnostics and treatment for:

  • Hypertension
    • Essential hypertension (hypertensive disease)
    • Secondary hypertension (symptomatic)
    • Hypertensive crises
  • Recovery period following ischemic heart disease
  • Recovery period following disturbances in rhythm and conduction
  • Vasovegetative dystonia
  • Cardiovascular system disorders associated with extracardiac pathology (rheumatic diseases, endocrine disorders, kidney diseases, drug intoxication, etc.) - using efferent therapy. During the appointment, the doctor: - collects the medical history (complaints) and examines the patient; - measures blood pressure (BP); - assesses the risks of sudden cardiovascular events (stroke, heart attack); - orders examinations and analyzes the results of examinations in other medical institutions; - develops an individual treatment or prevention program;
    • provides dietary recommendations for patients with cardiovascular diseases;
    • gives advice to patients who have suffered a heart attack or stroke;
    • consults before surgical treatment.

    Appointment for consultation. What symptoms should prompt a visit? The "masks" of heart disease manifestations are diverse:

    • headache (this could be high blood pressure);
    • pains in the left half of the chest, behind the sternum, radiating to the neck, shoulder blade, arm;
    • shortness of breath;
    • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat);
  • swelling in the legs;
  • asymptomatic elevations in blood pressure – above 140/90.

If you notice at least one of these "masks" in yourself, do not waste time, a qualified doctor of our clinic is always ready to help.

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