Treatment of varicose veins. Vascular surgery. Phlebology.
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Treatment of varicose veins. Vascular surgery. Phlebology.

Treatment of varicose veins. Vascular surgery. Phlebology.

Vascular surgery (phlebology) is a field of vascular surgery that studies the structure of vein anatomy and venous flow. Phlebologists specialize in diagnosing and treating various vein diseases.
Varicose veins are one of the most common vascular diseases. Varicose veins can form in any part of the body, but they are most commonly found in the legs.
Statistics show that 20% of men and 36% of women suffer from varicose veins. Generally, Varicose vein expansion is hereditary, and the disease becomes more pronounced with age. At the core of all varicose diseases is the disruption of normal vessel function, which directs blood to the heart. How it happens: the blood in the legs moves through the vessels from bottom to top, specifically against the force of gravity. Valves in the veins prevent the blood from moving in the opposite direction. If there is a malfunction of these valves, the blood begins to stagnate and under this pressure, varicose vein expansion develops. Increased intra-abdominal pressure can also lead to varicose veins. It occurs during coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy weights, etc. This is what phlebology deals with. Causes of Varicose Veins Among the causes of varicose veins in the legs, factors can be noted that lead to a decrease in the tone of their walls, that is:

- congenital weakness of the vessel walls

- prolonged standing on the legs

- pathology of the venous valves

- thrombosis

Varicose veins can be primary, that is, occur without any preceding pathology, and secondary, that is, after and in connection with other diseases of the veins. Signs of varicose veins:
- visible external expansion of veins
- swelling of the legs
- heaviness in the legs, which worsens with prolonged standing
- skin changes
- trophic ulcers.
Diagnosis before treatment of varicose disease is completely painless for the patient and does not require any special preparation.
Treatment of varicose veins cannot begin without diagnosing the condition of the veins in your body. In modern phlebology, ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is mainly used for diagnostics. During such an examination of the body, the doctor obtains maximum information about the condition of the patient's veins.
Treatment of varicose veins
Treatment of varicose vein enlargement in the legs can be either conservative or surgical. In this case, it is considered, that conservative treatment cannot lead to the cure and disappearance of already enlarged veins. Therefore, conservative treatment is primarily conducted before surgical intervention as a form of preparation or for the prevention of further disease progression. It is also used in cases where surgical treatment of varicose veins is not possible. We offer you: - conservative treatment - compression therapy and pharmacotherapy - surgical treatment (vascular surgery) – venectomy, phlebectomy, complex surgeries, radiofrequency ablation of veins. Advantages of radiofrequency ablation: -Accuracy and efficiency of the procedure
-Maximum safety for the patient
-Local anesthesia
-Almost complete absence of hematomas, pain syndrome
-Quick rehabilitation
For a consultation at our clinic, please contact us if you experience the following symptoms:
• swelling of the calves and feet
• cramps, pain in the legs during exertion and at rest
• "buzzing", feeling of heaviness in the legs
• twisted varicose subcutaneous veins
• vascular stars on the skin
• rapid fatigue.
Timely treatment of venous pathology is a prevention of stroke and heart attack!

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