Appendix operations. Appendectomy operation.
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Appendectomy operations

Appendectomy operations

The appendix is called a worm-like hollow adjunct of the large intestine, which, according to recent studies, performs a protective function due to the accumulation of lymphoid tissue and acts as an “incubator” for beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Unfortunately, this organ has become famous not for its achievements, but for one significant “flaw” - it is prone to frequent inflammation, which not only causes a lot of discomfort but also poses a direct threat to the patient's life.
Inflammation of the appendix is called appendicitis. The symptoms of the inflammatory process are likely familiar to many: initially, there is a nagging, distending pain in the upper abdomen, after several hours the pain intensifies (during movement, when lying on the left side) and is felt in the right iliac region, then after a few hours fever, nausea, and possibly vomiting occur. Therefore, one should not delay if the abdominal pain persists for more than 6 hours!
Appendectomy is the removal of the appendix, and it should be noted that it is one of the most common surgical interventions in the world. As of today, there are two methods of conducting the surgery - open surgery and laparoscopy. In the first case, the appendix is removed through an incision in the right iliac area. In the second, there is an opportunity to perform an appendectomy by the method of laparoscopy. Moreover, the second method allows for a preliminary revision of the abdominal cavity, which prevents unnecessary removal of the appendix. LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY
Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia by inserting instruments and an optical device – a laparoscope, through several small incisions, transmitting the image in high resolution directly to the monitor. Carbon dioxide is pumped into the abdominal cavity for laparoscopy. When the diagnosis – acute appendicitis – is confirmed, an appendectomy is immediately performed with simultaneous visual control of the operation process.
Laparoscopic appendectomy has a number of advantages over traditional laparotomy, including accurate preliminary diagnosis, significantly shorter recovery period, short duration of hospital stay (2-3 days), reduced pain, and quick restoration of the patient's intestinal peristalsis. Work capability is restored in 10-12 days, and the patient can return to their usual lifestyle.
In the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic, a full range of services for examination and all types of appendix surgeries are provided. The method of surgical intervention and diagnostic procedures will be prescribed by the treating physician depending on the indications.

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