Thai Rhinotapp tablets are an effective remedy for allergies and colds.
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18у.е. (На замовлення)

Thai Rhinotapp tablets are a medication designed to alleviate the condition of patients with infectious and viral respiratory diseases. The remedy should be taken at the first signs of illness to prevent a cold or flu from disrupting your schedule, causing you to spend 1-2 weeks on sick leave, losing productivity, and postponing your tasks.

With its high effectiveness and rapid action, it's no surprise that the remedy is so popular among Thais, as timely taken Rhinotapp prevents the development of the illness and gets you back on your feet in just one day. The medication easily handles common symptoms such as a sore throat, dry and wet cough, pain when swallowing, swelling of the nasal and throat mucous membranes, and elevated body temperature.

Rhinotapp contains three active ingredients: - Dextromethorphan – an excellent antitussive; - Chlorphenamine – an antihistamine and vasoconstrictor with anti-edema effects; - Guaifenesin – a mucolytic and expectorant. Thus, the Thai remedy effectively works in several directions: - clears nasal sinuses of discharge, reduces mucosal swelling and nasal congestion; - soothes the throat, relieving soreness; - thins phlegm, facilitates its expulsion, eliminating dry and wet cough; - alleviates allergic symptoms, sneezing, redness, itching, and eye swelling; - relieves general weakness, pain, and discomfort in muscles and bones; - reduces elevated body temperature and eliminates chills. Rhinotapp is successfully used not only at the first symptoms of flu and colds but also for bronchitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, allergic reactions, including rhinitis. Indications: - flu, cold; - cough, sneezing; - sore throat; - nasal congestion, rhinitis (including allergic); - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis; - bronchitis; other viral and bacterial respiratory diseases.

Contraindications: - individual intolerance to components; - children under 3 years of age. Storage: Store in a dry place out of reach of children.

Usage instructions: Adults: take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours with a small amount of water. Children aged 7 and above: take 1 tablet every 6 hours with a small amount of water. Children aged 3-7: take half a tablet no more than once every 10 hours.

The package contains 100 tablets.

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