METHERGIN 0.2 mg/ml is an effective remedy for controlling uterine bleeding.
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Treatment of uterine bleeding:

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16у.е. (На замовлення)

METHERGIN 0.2 mg/ml (ITALY) | Treatment of uterine bleeding
Methylergometrine Injection Solution 0.2 mg/ml, 1 ml Ampoules

Active ingredient: methylergometrine
1 ml of solution contains methylergometrine maleate 0.2 mg;
Excipients: maleic acid, glycine, sodium chloride, thiourea, water for injections.

Dosage form: injection solution.
Main physical and chemical properties: clear, colorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Agents that increase the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium.

Prevention and treatment of bleeding caused by uterine atony in the postpartum period and after abortion; treatment of subinvolution of the uterus and, with careful obstetric supervision, use for shortening the second stage of labor, with administration immediately after the appearance of the anterior shoulder of the baby.

Hypersensitivity to methylergometrine and/or ergot alkaloids, any of the excipients; pregnancy, first stage of labor; second stage of labor before the appearance of the fetal head; arterial hypertension, including preeclampsia and eclampsia; peripheral vascular and heart diseases (e.g., unstable or vasospastic angina); sepsis, toxemia.

Storage conditions
• Injection solution: store at a temperature from +2 to +8 °C, avoid freezing.

Recommended for use under medical supervision.

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