Gynatren — A Reliable Vaccine for the Prevention of Vaginal Infections
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Treatment of thrush:

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170у.е. (На замовлення)

VACCINE GYNATREN (GERMANY) | Treatment of thrush
Gynatren is used for immunization with lactobacillary-type microorganisms. It is applied for the prevention and treatment of various gynecological issues related to the disruption of the vaginal bacterial flora. It acts directly on the bacteria, disrupting their life cycle and preventing their reproduction.

INDICATIONS: Recurrent nonspecific bacterial inflammatory processes of the vagina and trichomoniasis.

Administration of the drug: The solution is administered intramuscularly. Three injections of 1 ampoule each are prescribed at intervals of 2 weeks.

The so-called Booster-Gynatren is used to renew the immune response approximately one year later (revaccination).

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