Gyno-Canesten Monodose – A single-dose solution for thrush
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Treatment of thrush:

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31у.е. (В наявності)

GYNO_CANESTEN 1 MONODOSE (ITALY) | Treatment of thrush

Treatment of infections of the vagina and external female genital organs caused by microorganisms sensitive to clotrimazole, such as fungi (usually Candida).


Adults and adolescents aged 16 and older: a soft vaginal capsule inserted deeply into the vagina as a single dose in the evening.

Adolescents aged 12-15 years: For adolescents under 16 years old (post-menarche patients), the recommended dosage is the same as for adults. A soft vaginal capsule inserted deeply into the vagina as a single dose in the evening.

The soft vaginal capsule should be inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina using the applicator provided.

During pregnancy, the soft vaginal capsule should be inserted into the vagina with a finger, without the applicator, to avoid injury to the cervix.

Treatment should not be conducted during menstruation. Treatment should be completed before the onset of menstruation.

The partner should undergo local treatment if they have symptoms such as itching or inflammation.

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