Femoston is a hormone therapy for women during menopause.
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Treatment of Thin Endometrium:

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23у.е. (В наявності)

FEMOSTON (ITALY) | Treatment of Thin Endometrium
Femoston is a combination medication containing progestogens and estrogens. It is available in tablet form (orange-pink, biconvex, round). The tablets are coated and packaged in blisters. Each 5 mg tablet contains 1 mg of active ingredient. The active ingredients are estradiol and dydrogesterone. The combination of dydrogesterone and estradiol is complementary, with neither drug diminishing the beneficial effects of the other. It is used for hormone replacement therapy in disorders associated with the onset of menopause (naturally or as a result of surgery), provided the uterus is intact. It is also used for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

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