Evra transdermal patch - a reliable hormonal contraception.
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Treatment of Thin Endometrium:
EVRA 60 mg/600 mcg (ITALY)

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EVRA 60 mg/600 mcg (ITALY)

34у.е. (На замовлення)

EVRA 60 mg/600 mcg (ITALY) | Treatment of Thin Endometrium
Dosage form
Patch - transdermal therapeutic system.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Hormonal contraceptives for systemic use.

Contraception in women.
Evra® is indicated for use in women of reproductive age. The safety and efficacy of the Evra® TTS patch have been established only for women aged 18 to 45 years.
The Evra® patch is not indicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The package contains 3 patches.

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