Flu C 500 – Reliable support for colds and flu
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Treatment of Pyelonephritis:

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72у.е. (На замовлення)

FLU C 500 (ITALY) | Treatment of Pyelonephritis
Vitamin C and Zinc contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and protect cells from oxidative stress.
Vitamin C alleviates the feeling of fatigue.
Willow extract contains a metabolic precursor of salicylic acid, thus possessing anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic properties.
N-acetylcysteine is involved in the most important defense mechanisms of the body, acting as a strong antioxidant. Additionally, it is an excellent mucolytic, thinning and clearing bronchial mucus.
Propolis has antimicrobial effects due to the flavonoids it contains.

When to take effervescent tablets:

⁃ For symptoms associated with colds;
⁃ For common colds;
⁃ For headaches;
⁃ For muscle tension;
⁃ For body aches.

Directions for use:

Take 1-2 effervescent tablets per day, dissolving them in a glass of water beforehand.

20 tablets per package.

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