Snake Women's Supplement Tiew Jin Wan — Harmonizing Women's Health with Traditional Chinese Medicine Recipes
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Treatment of menopause:

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80у.е. (В наявності)

TIEW JIN WAN (THAILAND) | Treatment of menopause
The snake-based women's remedy Tiew Jin Wan is used for female ailments, mastopathy, menopause, and infertility, made from snake lungs combined with valuable medicinal plants.

Tiew Jin Wan is used to reduce the symptoms of the climacteric period:
- inflammation of female reproductive organs
- menstrual cycle disorders, hot flashes
- increased sweating, irritability, tearfulness
- menstrual pain, insomnia
- fatigue
- vaginal discharge
- for the treatment of chronic mastopathy
- for the treatment of precancerous conditions such as leukoplakia, cystosis, endometriosis
- enhances the tone of reproductive organs after childbirth
- has a tonic effect on the female body
- effective against excessive skin pigmentation
- indispensable in the treatment of chronic infertility in women.

Dosage and administration:
Take 2 capsules 2-3 times a day before meals with warm boiled water.
Do not take during menstruation and pregnancy.

The snake-based women's remedy Tiew Jin Wan is produced at the Siam Snake Farm.
The package contains 600 pills.

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