CLIMATER VAMP CIMICIFUGA – A natural remedy for relieving menopause symptoms
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Treatment of menopause:

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47у.е. (В наявності)

CLIMATER VAMP CIMICIFUGA (ITALY) | Treatment of menopause
Dietary Supplement with Black Cohosh, Hawthorn Extracts, and Vitamin D3

A herbal remedy based on black cohosh extract, designed to support women's health during menopause. It helps reduce the frequency of hot flashes, stabilize emotional state, and improve overall well-being.

Black cohosh alleviates menopause symptoms and menstrual cycle disorders, and also supports normal joint function. Hawthorn aids in relaxation, normalizes cardiovascular system function, and regulates blood pressure. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

The package contains 20 tablets.

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