Libid Max is a powerful remedy for enhancing potency and increasing libido.
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Treatment of impotence:

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20у.е. (В наявності)

LIBIDMAX (ITALY) | Treatment of impotence
Libidmax by ESI is a dietary supplement with aphrodisiac properties that enhances sexual desire. Additionally, due to its tonic properties as an adaptogen, its ability to maintain normal testosterone levels, and its capacity to increase nitric oxide production, it improves sexual function in men by enhancing erection strength and duration.

Libidmax by ESI is a dietary supplement recommended for cases of loss of interest in sexual relationships, lack of sexual desire, mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, and difficulties in achieving orgasm. Libidmax by ESI acts as:
An Aphrodisiac: Increases sexual desire.
Enhances sexual function: For strong and prolonged erections.
Improves the ability to achieve orgasm and its intensity.

Active ingredients:
Tribulus Terrestris: It also has a positive effect on male fertility by improving sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Maca: Improves sexual functions by increasing libido and promoting erection, as it raises nitric oxide levels and reduces erection latency period.
Korean Ginseng: Acts directly on the cells of penile tissues. It increases the release of nitric oxide by endothelial cells of the corpus cavernosum and causes its relaxation. This promotes penile blood flow and erection. It also stimulates dopamine release, providing a more intense orgasm.
Ginkgo Biloba: Enhances penile blood flow and results in a more powerful erection. The improvement in the ability to achieve orgasm and its intensity is also associated with Ginkgo Biloba.
Vitamin B6: Necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones in both men and women. It also participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are related to mood.
Vitamin D: Necessary for the synthesis of hormones that modulate sexual response, such as testosterone.
Zinc: It is associated with keratin in the sperm tail, thus necessary for good motility. Increases orgasmic capacity. Prevents impotence, mainly related to prostate issues.

Take 1 capsule twice a day.
Package contains 30 capsules.

Recommendations: Suitable for vegetarians. It does not contain gluten, lactose, dairy products, GMOs, artificial colors, or flavors.

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