Pelvilen — Comprehensive Support for Pelvic Floor and Reproductive System Health
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Treatment of Cystitis:

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76у.е. (На замовлення)

PELVILEN (ITALY) | Treatment of Cystitis
PELVILEN 90 tablets is a dietary supplement designed to strengthen the walls of the uterus and pelvic muscles, which should be taken under medical supervision, beneficial for treating pelvic area disorders.

It is indicated for pain associated with numerous pathologies affecting the organs of the pelvic area (colon, reproductive organs, bladder), especially in women, and represents a nosological unit arising from phenomena of peripheral neuroinflammation induced and sustained by non-neuronal cells, particularly tissue mast cells.

Tissue neuroinflammation and the associated peripheral sensitization affecting the sensory endings of peripheral nerves, which jointly innervate different pelvic organs (the phenomenon of inter-organ sensitization), determine a characteristic hyperreactivity of a painful nature, often not precisely localized, as it spreads to different pelvic organs and the associated oxidative stress to counteract chronic painful neuroinflammatory processes associated with numerous pelvic area pathologies such as: endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, recurrent cystitis, chronic prostatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

Chronic pelvic pain represents a nosological unit localized both at the tissue level of the pelvic organs and at the spinal level, arising from neuroinflammatory phenomena sustained by non-neuronal cells (mast cells and microglia). Pelvilen tablets are gluten-free.

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