Sollievo PhysioLax 90 tablets - a natural remedy for constipation
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Treatment of Constipation:

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36у.е. (На замовлення)

SOLLIEVO FISIOLAX (ITALY) | Treatment of Constipation
Remedy for Constipation

Sollievo PhysioLax is a natural remedy designed for the treatment of constipation. The product contains 90 tablets, each weighing 420 mg, and helps gently restore bowel function.

Dosage Recommendations:
• Take 1–3 tablets in the evening as needed, with a large glass of water.
• The optimal dosage is the minimum dose necessary to stimulate physiological bowel transit without causing loose stools.
• The dosage can be adjusted according to individual needs.
• The product can be used by children aged 12 and above.

Recommendations for Supporting Bowel Transit:
• Drink an adequate amount of fluids throughout the day.
• Follow a diet with sufficient fiber content.
• Engage in regular physical activity.

• Do not use the product in case of individual hypersensitivity or allergy to the ingredients.
• Never exceed the maximum allowable dose.
• Keep out of reach of children.
• For persistent constipation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The package contains 90 tablets.

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