Reckeweg R5 – a homeopathic remedy for gastritis and gastrointestinal issues.
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Treatment of Constipation:

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32у.е. (На замовлення)

RECKEWEG R5 (ITALY) | Treatment of Constipation
The preparation contains homeopathic remedies traditionally used for:
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
o Duodenal ulcers and parapyloric ulcers.
o Acute and chronic gastroduodenitis.
o Recurrent gastritis (both ulcerative and non-ulcerative types).
o Belching, bloating, flatulence.
o Gastrocardiac syndrome.

As directed by a doctor or pharmacist, or:
• For acute symptoms: dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue every 30 minutes to 2 hours.
• After symptoms subside, reduce the dosage to 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

Method of use
Dissolve the tablets in the mouth. For oral use.

Bottle containing 100 tablets.

• Keep out of reach of children.
• Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
Storage conditions
The expiration date is indicated for undamaged and properly stored packaging.
No special storage conditions are required.

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