Cardio SiderAL — Heart and Iron Deficiency Support
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Treatment of Anemia:

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54у.е. (В наявності)

CARDIO SIDERAL (ITALY) | Treatment of Anemia
Developed to combat iron deficiency and support the cardiovascular system. Cardio SiderAL® is free from lactose, milk proteins, and gluten.

Thanks to Sucrosomial® technology, the iron contained in Cardio SiderAL® is absorbed directly in the intestine, preventing any stomach discomfort.

Sucrosomial® Iron is a functional ingredient.

Cardio SiderAL®, due to the presence of Sucrosomial® Iron, helps normalize immune system function, improves energy metabolism, and cognitive function.

Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid contribute to normal homocysteine metabolism and reduce fatigue.

Vitamins B6 and B12 support the formation of red blood cells.

Each package contains 20 capsules.

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