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Treatment of Anemia

- is a condition characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells or a decreased concentration of hemoglobin in them. It is important to use not only pharmacological agents but also to pay attention to lifestyle, nutrition, and supportive therapy.

Different types of anemia, including iron deficiency, megaloblastic, and anemia associated with chronic diseases, require an individualized approach.


Complete blood count with determination of hemoglobin level, red blood cells, MCV, MCH, ferritin, and serum iron.
2. Biochemical blood test, including folic acid, vitamin B12, and total protein levels.
3. In some cases, it is recommended to conduct a test for hidden blood loss (fecal occult blood test).
4. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs to rule out possible hidden pathologies, such as internal bleeding or tumors.
5. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy if there is suspicion of chronic blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract.
6. Consultation with a gynecologist for women (especially with heavy menstruation).


1. Include iron-rich foods in the diet such as liver, red meat (beef, lamb), spinach, buckwheat.
2. Increase intake of vitamin C, which helps absorb iron (citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers).
3. Limit consumption of dairy products and coffee, as they can impair iron absorption.
4. Include foods rich in folic acid: legumes, green leafy vegetables, avocado.
5. Avoid preservatives and foods with artificial colors.


1. Drink 1. 5 to 2 liters of water per day, preferably using water with a mineralization of 250-300 mg/l.
2. It is recommended to change the type of water every 2-3 months to ensure optimal mineral balance in the body.


1. Iron supplements - used for post-hemorrhagic and iron deficiency anemia. Supplements such as "IBSA Ferro" (Italy), Cardio SiderAL (Italy), and traditional remedies like "Sorbifer Durules" (Hungary), "Totema" (France), "Tardyferon" (France), "Maltofer" (Switzerland) can be used. Doses are selected individually based on clinical manifestations and laboratory tests.
2. Folic acid at a dosage of 400 mcg daily, if a confirmed deficiency is present, in complex preparations like "Gyno-Tardyferon" (France), "Maltofer-Fol" (Switzerland).
3. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) may be recommended in injection or tablet form to increase vitamin levels in megaloblastic anemia, especially in elderly people with absorption issues. Preparations like "Mionevrasi" (Italy) or analog "Neurorubin" (Germany), "Cyanocobalamin" (Ukraine) are used.
4. L-carnitine - in the form of drips or oral solution.
5. Erythropoietin may be prescribed to patients with anemia due to chronic kidney disease or other chronic conditions, only after consultation with a hematologist. Erythropoietin injections can be administered in our clinic.


1. In rare cases, if anemia is caused by chronic inflammatory diseases, medications to eliminate inflammation may be required (e. g. , for intestinal inflammation).
2. In the presence of constant bleeding (e. g. , with hemorrhoids II-III stage), surgical treatment may be recommended.


1. Use of Vitamin D and calcium to support bone tissue. We offer the injectable preparation "Dibaze" (Italy) for rapid restoration of vitamin D levels.
2. Use of mild probiotics to improve digestion and nutrient absorption. A good example is the preparation "Kijmea Pro" (Italy), which can also reduce bloating symptoms caused by iron supplements.


1. Maintain a daily routine and avoid excessive physical exertion, which can worsen the condition.
2. Maintain sleep hygiene, try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day for body recovery.
3. Avoid stress, which can affect overall health and exacerbate anemia.
4. For women - regularly visit a gynecologist, even if nothing is bothering you.

Such an approach to the treatment and examination of anemia will help not only effectively cope with symptoms but also prevent relapses.

From Denis Sergeevich Litovchenko


ANEMIA, iron deficiency, vitamins.

Fatigue, weakness, pale skin, hair loss. . .

Treatment of anemia depends on its cause and may include dietary changes, supplements, or medications, and sometimes more complex medical procedures.



Iron-rich foods: red meat - beef, lamb; Poultry - chicken, turkey; Fish and seafood; Legumes - lentils, beans, peas; Nuts and seeds - walnuts, pumpkin seeds; Dark green leafy vegetables - spinach, broccoli. . .

Vitamin C-rich foods:
Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron. Increase intake: Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons); peppers, kiwi, berries, tomatoes

Vitamin B12-rich foods:
Vitamin B12 is important for the health of red blood cells: meat, dairy products, eggs, fortified cereals

Folic acid:
Important for creating new cells: leafy green vegetables, avocado, grains, legumes

Avoid foods that interfere with iron absorption: tea and coffee, milk combined with iron-containing foods


Iron supplements. . .

Ferinject, Sufer - for severe iron deficiency. . .

Ferro, Ferro guna, FerroDyn, Ferromas, CardioSider Al (Italy)

Fersinol-3 (Romania)

Sorbifer durules (Hungary)
Gyno-Tardyferon (France)
Totema (France)
Maltofer (Switzerland)
Santeferra (Portugal)

Almost all of these preparations include important vitamins and minerals that promote better iron absorption. . .


L-lysine amino acid is a biologically active supplement with many effects, such as improving liver function, strengthening immunity, preventing herpes, promoting calcium absorption, and hair growth. It is beneficial for maintaining immune functions, participating in the production of proteins, including hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.

- is a fungus traditionally used in Chinese medicine and known for its potential beneficial properties.
-Improving physical endurance
-Antioxidant properties.
-Immune system support: It can enhance the immune response, helping the body better cope with infections and diseases
-Heart health Regulation of blood sugar levels
-Respiratory system support


Ensure adequate fluid intake to maintain hydration levels. Water, herbal teas, and natural juices can be good choices.
Drink from 1L to 1. 5L (not by force, for pleasure), in glass (Lauretana, Water UA, Evian, Fuji, Fiji, Aqua Panna),
the same water should be consumed for 1-2 months, then change. . .

from Alina Alexandrovna Vasilieva
Вас може проконсультувати лікар вищої категорії, КМН, Перелигін І.В.
The information about medications is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any potential negative consequences of their use.

(В наявності)

Cardio SiderAL® is a dietary supplement containing sucrosomial iron® (Sideral® rm), vitamin C, and B vitamins.


(В наявності)

Iron and folic acid-based dietary supplement.


(В наявності)

FerroGuna is an iron-containing dietary supplement.



One capsule contains 450 mg of sucrosomial magnesium.


(На замовлення)

High-quality Glutathione – Toniiq Liposomal Glutathione contains a potent dose of 500 mg of glutathione in eac...


(На замовлення)

The information about medications is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any potential negative consequences of their use.

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