Buy Vitamin C – Natural Protection for Your Immunity
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Milanese Cocktail:
VITAMINA C 1000 mg 5ml (ITALY)

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VITAMINA C 1000 mg 5ml (ITALY)


VITAMINA C  1000 mg 5ml (ITALY) | Milanese Cocktail
Benefits of Vitamin C Injections:

- Promotes collagen production, which is the connective tissue of our skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, joints, and organs.

- Inhibits the formation of "melanin," which contributes to the appearance of dark spots after prolonged exposure to UV-A/UV rays.

- Reduces fine lines or wrinkles on the face and skin. This is because it targets collagen production, which is important for the firmness and elasticity of our skin.

- Reduces the appearance of acne/blemishes and minimizes pores. Improves smooth skin texture.

- Prevents scurvy, a type of vitamin C deficiency.

- Boosts the body's immunity. It is believed to have antihistamine properties in higher doses.

- Often used in anti-aging IV drips.

- Comes in a package of 5 ampoules.

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