MIONEVRASI – Comprehensive support for nervous system health
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Milanese Cocktail:

The information about medications is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any potential negative consequences of their use.


36у.е. (В наявності)

MIONEVRASI (ITALY) | Milanese Cocktail
When to take MIONEVRASI?

MIONEVRASI is taken in cases of vitamin B1, B6, and B12 deficiencies in the body, and in conditions related to the lack of these vitamins, such as polyneuritis, neuritis during isoniazid treatment, and in the treatment of alcoholic neuropathy. The medication is also used for supportive therapy in neuritis not related to vitamin B deficiencies.

Method of administration: The recommended dose is 1 ampoule per day administered intramuscularly. Treatment and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.

There are no specific contraindications for taking the medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

5 ampoules of lyophilized powder
5 vials with solution for injection preparation.

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