COLOSTRO NONI – Natural Support for Immunity and Health
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Intestinal Treatment:

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35у.е. (В наявності)

COLOSTRO NONI (ITALY) | Intestinal Treatment
ColostroNoni (Italy) is a unique highly bioavailable dietary supplement for the restoration, normalization, and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. The synergy of active ingredients helps to: • maintain the histological integrity of the digestive tract (GIT) mucosa, • support mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), • support intestinal eubiosis. The active compounds in ColostroNoni are highly bioavailable to the body. This safe remedy is prescribed for both adults and children as a nutraceutical support in the following cases: • When there is a decrease or disorder in gastrointestinal function due to infections (gastroenteritis), bacteria, or viruses, with symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. • Intestinal dysbiosis, which can be caused by prolonged use of antibiotics, poor eating habits, infectious diseases, psychological stress, or an unbalanced lifestyle. ColostroNoni helps protect the mucosa and restore its normal functions. • Gastrointestinal disorders in cases of flu and flu-like illnesses, especially those forms characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.

Taking just one sachet of ColostroNoni twice a day helps eliminate inflammation of the intestinal epithelium and restore the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. The regeneration of the epithelium restores the function of cellular and humoral immunity. It excellently restores intestinal villi, freeing the intestines from mucus and toxins.

An exceptionally safe product. Contains only natural substances.

What is ColostroNoni, and what are its advantages? • Unique synergy: Colostrum and Noni fruit juice. • High dose of defatted, lyophilized, and pasteurized cow colostrum. • Quickly dissolves in the mouth without water. • Single-use sachets ready for consumption. • Low fat content. • Highly digestible even for children and the elderly. • Pleasant taste. • Gluten-free. • Non-GMO. • The special pharmaceutical "freeze" technology used in the production of ColostroNoni avoids any potentially aggressive mechanical or heating processes, thereby preserving all the outstanding properties of its active compounds.

The package contains 24 sachets, each weighing 1.8 grams.

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