THYROID-S – A reliable solution for treating thyroid disorders.
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Hypothyroidism Treatment:

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THYROID-S (THAILAND) | Hypothyroidism Treatment
A remedy for thyroid deficiency

Thyroid-S is a natural supplement and a significant aid for people suffering from hypothyroidism or autoimmune thyroiditis. It consists of dried animal thyroid glands, which are much more effective than traditional hormonal medications. This remedy is recommended for those who have had their thyroid gland removed. It is also advised for use in cases of hypothyroidism or autoimmune thyroiditis.

Instructions for use:
If the thyroid gland has been removed, it is recommended to take 3 to 5 capsules daily.

For hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis: take 0.5-2 capsules once a day.

Each package contains 500 capsules.

* The price of the product is valid as of July 2024.
* Availability should be confirmed, as the product is made to order.

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