KRILIFE - Omega-3 from krill for heart and joint health
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51у.е. (В наявності)

KRILIFE 30 is a dietary supplement with antioxidant properties, created from pure krill oil (Euphasia Superba), naturally rich in omega-3 (EPA and DHA) in the form of highly bioavailable phospholipids and with the natural presence of astaxanthin. Omega-3s are indicated for improving cardiovascular system functionality. Krill oil normalizes cardiovascular function, blood lipid and glucose levels, energy production, liver function, neuronal and athletic performance. Krill also has a significant impact on mood swings and cramps associated with premenstrual syndrome. Krill oil (Euphasia Superba): krill is a small crustacean living in the pristine Antarctic seas and occupies the lowest rung of the food chain: for this reason, it does not accumulate pollutants and ensures high purity of krill oil. Traceability, very high quality, and full compliance with environmental sustainability in KRILIFE are guaranteed by advanced technologies that allow processing of the caught krill immediately on board without the need for manipulation or the addition of additives (thanks to the natural content of astaxanthin). The omega-3s contained in KRILIFE are bound to phospholipids, which ensure rapid absorption.
• Astaxanthin: naturally present in KRILIFE, it is an antioxidant useful for counteracting excessive production of free radicals.
The small size of the tablets, the absence of a "fishy smell," and the rapid absorption of KRILIFE ensure excellent digestibility and tolerance.
Usage recommendations: we recommend taking 1-2 tablets a day directly before or during meals.
Warnings: Supplement containing shellfish (krill): If you are allergic to shellfish, pregnant, breastfeeding, planning a pregnancy, or taking medications, consult a doctor before using this product.
Packaging: bottle of 30 tablets of 500 mg each.

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