Laennec is an innovative hepatoprotector and body regenerator.
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Alcohol withdrawal treatment:

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23у.е. (На замовлення)

LAENNEC LAENNEC (JAPAN) | Alcohol withdrawal treatment
Laennec is a unique immunomodulatory agent developed by Japanese specialists based on highly purified human placenta hydrolysate. The drug also functions as an effective hepatoprotector, and its use allows for comprehensive rejuvenation and restoration of the body at the cellular level. Laennec acts on the human body like a true "elixir of life," normalizing physiological mechanisms and functions, providing antioxidant protection, restoring metabolic processes in tissues, strengthening overall immunity, and promoting natural health improvement. Preparations based on highly purified placenta hydrolysate help rejuvenate the skin and slow down aging processes. They also participate in the prevention of various disorders in the body. The placental drug Laennec was created by scientist Hieda Kentaro in 1953 while searching for a liver treatment (hepatoprotector) for those affected by the nuclear catastrophe in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. During the research, it was discovered that its range of action was significantly broader than initially thought, leading to its use in comprehensive body restoration. The production of this drug is controlled by Japanese authorities, and placental therapy is included in the national health insurance program in Japan. Laennec has been successfully used for many years by American, Canadian, South Korean, and European citizens. Laennec has been in use for over a decade. After pre-registration trials in several scientific institutes, it was registered as a hepatoprotector in 2003 and as an immunomodulator for therapy and prevention of various ailments in 2009. In the cosmetic industry, Laennec injections are used as microinjections into biologically active points, allowing for facial and body skin rejuvenation, as well as for hair and scalp treatment.

Properties of the drug:
Laennec preparations provide comprehensive therapeutic effects:
• Acting as a hepatoprotector, they strengthen the human immune system;
• Restore the liver and promote overall detoxification of the body;
• Gradually improve the functioning of all organ systems;
• Serve as a preventive measure against heart attacks and strokes by normalizing internal processes;
• Improve cerebral circulation;
• Relieve general tension, help combat stress, and improve sleep;
• Enhance skin condition;
• Increase sexual activity.

The main indications for the use of this remedy are hepatoprotection (restoration and protection of liver functions) and immunomodulation, with the unique action of the drug attributed to its restorative effect on the entire body. The drug is used to:
• Improve health, eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome, and increase overall tone;
• Improve skin quality (increase turgor, elasticity, and moisture levels, activate collagen and elastin synthesis, stimulate cell growth responsible for skin firmness and youthfulness);
• Shorten the rehabilitation period after surgical operations, including plastic surgery.
The drug is also used:
• In the treatment of various forms of baldness (alopecia), including alopecia areata and ophiasis;
• As an adjunct in the treatment of ailments such as psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, herpes, and so on;
• To regulate cholesterol levels and accelerate metabolism, helping to normalize weight indicators;
• As a detox agent for alcohol and drug intoxication;
• For potency issues in the male population;
• As an adjunct in decompensated diabetes mellitus;
• As an element of therapy in addressing anemia.

*The price is indicated for 1 ampoule.

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