Buy a used Famed Zywiec gynecological chair – great prices and delivery.
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Used equipment:
B/U Gynecological Chair Famed Zywiec

B/U Gynecological Chair Famed Zywiec

1000у.е. (В наявності)

B/U Gynecological Chair Famed Zywiec | Used equipment
The chair is designed for gynecological examinations and procedures. It can also be used for urological examinations and procedures. The bed is adjusted using a hydraulic system. It is equipped with a gynecological tray and footrests.


- The chair is a static mechanical model.
- The chair's frame is made of high-quality steel and coated with lacquer. The materials used are resistant to cleaning agents.
- The base of the chair is covered with a durable plastic casing, resistant to all possible direct contact with disinfectants and cleaning agents.
- The chair's bed is upholstered with seamless medical-grade leatherette, resistant to abrasion and the effects of cleaning and disinfecting agents.
- The backrest and seat tilt are adjusted steplessly using gas springs with locking mechanisms.
- The chair comes with a retractable stainless steel gynecological tray, side rails for attaching additional accessories, and non-adjustable footrests WF-36.0.
- The chair's design ensures complete patient safety.


- Total length in a horizontal position, without the ankle section: 1275 mm
- Total width: 780 mm
- Bed width (upholstery): 560 mm
- Backrest section lift angle: 70°
- Degree of protection against environmental impact: IP-X1
- Maximum load capacity: 175 kg
- Volume of the gynecological tray: 9 liters

The chair is in working condition, without defects or damage.

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