ROAD FIRST AID KIT | Купить | Genesis Dnepr
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First aid kit:

The information about medications is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any potential negative consequences of their use.


Principle of medication selection: effectiveness, safety, minimal adverse effects, reliable manufacturer:

1. Headache (migraine, fever): "Ibuprofen Carlo Erba 400mg", take at the first signs of a headache 15-20 minutes after a meal, with water.
2. Diarrhea: 1 "Normix" or "Nifuroxazide" taken 1(2) tablets 3(4) times a day, with water, regardless of meals. 2. White or black activated charcoal 1(2) tablets 3(4) times a day, with water, taken 30 minutes after meals or other medications. 3. "Imodium" 1(2) capsules, used for severe diarrhea not controlled by other means, with water!
3. Bruises, skin inflammations: Tea tree oil, iodine alcohol solution, Triderm.
4. Muscle spasms (abdominal pain, back pain): A good and safe antispasmodic Cuprum-Heel, take 1 tablet under the tongue (dissolve) every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then as needed.
5. Edema (after "binge drinking" or salty food) - Lasix, tablet (with water) - 25 mg (after taking, stay close to a toilet for two hours).

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