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Introducing a new service for our patients - the "Travel First Aid Kit. " Now you can take specially curated sets of medications with you on your journey to be prepared for unexpected situations away from home.

Our range includes:
• Antiviral Kit: Contains essential medications for the prevention and treatment of viral infections, so you can feel protected anywhere in the world.

• Antidiarrheal Kit: Includes remedies for the quick and effective relief of digestive disorders, ensuring comfort during your travels.
• Blood Pressure Control Kit: Contains medications and tools for monitoring and stabilizing blood pressure, which is especially important for people with hypertension.

Each kit is assembled based on specialist recommendations and contains only necessary and verified products. It is recommended to consult your healthcare provider before use.

Travel with confidence and care for your health with our "Travel First Aid Kit. "
Вас може проконсультувати лікар вищої категорії, КМН, Перелигін І.В.
The information about medications is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any potential negative consequences of their use.

(На замовлення)

Antiviral first aid kit with effective medications for the prevention and treatment of viral infections. Remed...

The information about medications is for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for any potential negative consequences of their use.

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