What are the angels silent about?
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— Girls,
tomorrow I'm going to the maternity hospital to deliver!!!
I am already 10 days overdue.
Most likely, tomorrow or the day after, they will induce labor.

I have some questions…
Is it true
that contractions are more painful and the intervals between them shorter right from the start when labor is induced compared to natural labor?

Are there any among you
who had labor induced with the CYTOTEC pill?
How long did you have to wait for contractions?»
Question on the forum deti.mail.ru
most women do not know and will never know,
что подобное агрессивное ведение родов, так называемая,
медикаментозная стимуляция и раннее вскрытие амниотического пузыря часто приводит к отдаленным негативным неврологическим последствиям у детей.

Дело в том,
что окситоцин,
простагландин и другие средства вызывают искусственно вызванный патологический родовой процесс,
при котором меняются нормальные показатели кровообращения матки в родах со всеми вытекающими последствиями для плода: острая гипоксия,
нарушение мозгового кровообращения,


that such aggressive labor management, the so-called
medication stimulation and early rupture of the amniotic sac often lead to long-term negative neurological consequences in children.

The fact is,
that oxytocin,
prostaglandin, and other agents induce an artificially caused pathological labor process,
in which the normal uterine blood flow indicators during labor are altered with all the consequent effects for the fetus: acute hypoxia,
cerebral circulation disorders,
swelling and varying degrees of CNS damage.
This means that even after a year or more, the hypoxia experienced during childbirth can cause attention deficit syndrome in a child,
constant headaches,
poor learning ability,
and in particularly severe cases — cerebral palsy and autism.

Why, then, are such aggressive labor stimulation schemes so widely implemented in obstetric practice?!

I will voice my opinion…
First of all,
there was a Soviet school of obstetrics for a long time,
in which the so-called practice of "active labor management" was adopted. Today, times have changed,
there are other protocols and guidelines,
but it is quite difficult to change the stereotype of medical behavior.

One of the reasons is the insufficient qualification of the obstetrician-gynecologist (the imperfection of the medical training system),
who does not know how to properly and competently manage natural childbirth.

The second reason is medical overload and fatigue,
when the staff cannot or does not want, for various reasons, to attend to just this woman: for example, if several women are giving birth simultaneously and need to be attended to in a timely manner.

The third reason is the banal desire of the doctor to finish the labor before nightfall,
to get a few hours of sleep,
sometimes it's the unwillingness to stay late at work…
…what else?!

the desire not to miss a conference
the desire to leave on time for weekends and vacations…
Is it hard for you to believe this?!
But it really is so, and your child's health for a lifetime will depend on it!!!
The irregular working hours of a doctor often lead to decisions not in favor of the patient.
In this case, the doctor themselves is a victim and, by the law of self-preservation, chooses their own health.

Another frequent reason is the untimely performance of a cesarean section when indicated,
when intrauterine fetal hypoxia has already developed.
At Genesis-Dnepr Clinic, natural childbirth is conducted without stimulation in the presence of two obstetrician-gynecologists and two pediatric doctors, one of whom is a resuscitator capable of quickly bringing the child out of hypoxia and preventing all possible complications.

The doctor stays with the patient as long as needed, attending to only one woman!

Additionally, an operating room and a medical team are always ready to perform an emergency cesarean section if necessary, without wasting precious time.

они бы, как свидетели происходящего,
на многое открыли бы Вам глаза.
Рассказали бы Вам о причинах будущих страданий Ваших и Вашего ребенка.
И молили бы Вас: не нарушайте естественный процесс родов,
не вмешивайтесь грубо в физиологию женщины,
не перечьте божественным предписаниям!!
Просто дайте ей возможность родить здорового ребенка!!!

Стоит также знать,
что все простимулированные роды приводят к разрывам и травмам у женщин,
делая ее дальнейшую сексуальную жизнь проблематичной.

they, as witnesses of what is happening,
would open your eyes to many things.
They would tell you about the causes of your and your child's future suffering.
And they would beg you: do not disturb the natural process of childbirth,
do not intervene harshly in a woman's physiology,
do not contradict divine decrees!!
Just give her the opportunity to give birth to a healthy baby!!!

It's also worth knowing that
all induced labors lead to tears and injuries in women,
making her future sex life problematic.
Below are excerpts from the report of neurologist Dr. Mikhail Golovach, presented in Amsterdam at the international conference «Midwifery Today».

The information may be useful not only for doctors,
but also for patients.

"The notions that during childbirth the uterus 'works like an ordinary hydraulic machine',
were formed at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
According to these notions, during uterine contractions, intrauterine pressure increases,
which causes the fetus to move through the birth canal and dilate the cervix.
These notions,
as an indisputable truth, are also spelled out in modern medical educational literature.
as it turned out,
the force of labor contraction is completely insufficient
to (purely mechanically) advance the presenting part of the fetus into the depth of the pelvis and open the cervix.
And there is no direct correlation between the level of intrauterine pressure and the force of fetal pressure on the cervix: “… with contractions stimulated by oxytocin, intrauterine pressure is high,
but the force of fetal head pressure on the cervix is very low.”
Each normal labor contraction leads to the deposition (accumulation) of blood in the uterus, which increases the internal volume of the uterus and facilitates the advancement of the fetus.
Moreover, the fetus is smoothly expelled from the uterus as the birth canal dilates.
This occurs when part of the blood flows from the body of the uterus and placenta during a contraction and is deposited in the lower segment and cervix of the uterus,
leading to the expansion of the lower segment of the uterus,
the dilation of the cervix (its "ripening"), and the formation of the birth canal,
through which the fetus moves.
This ensures a normal course of the childbirth process, without disturbing the uteroplacental blood flow, without the fetus suffering from hypoxia, and without traumatic compression of the head in the lower uterine segment."

A young couple had difficulty conceiving a child for a long time. One wise man advised them to go to Rome and light a candle in St. Peter's Basilica. Many years passed, and the old wise man decided to visit this family. On the doorstep, he was greeted by a whole swarm of children of varying ages.

"Where are your parents?" asked the wise man.

"Mom is in the maternity hospital,
a dad flew to Rome to extinguish some candle," the children replied.


"Don’t worry,"
the doctor reassures the young woman,
who has just given birth on a train,
"I heard that a year ago a woman gave birth at a bus stop!"

"That was me,
And now official obstetrics recommends examining the childbirth process based on the hypotheses of: 'contraction-retraction-distraction,' 'descending triple gradient,' and 'automatic rhythm driver' during the contraction of the myometrium."

In classical obstetric literature, the prevailing opinion is that the pressure of the fetal head on the cervix supposedly stimulates an increased release of prostaglandins,
which in turn further enhance uterine contractile activity and cervical dilation.
Very often, based on these theories, the use of oxytocin for the stimulation of contractions is officially recommended,
and "for the preparation of the cervix for childbirth" — drugs from the prostaglandin E2 group, among others.

Humanity actively grew in numbers,
primarily due to large families.
It is unlikely that this would have happened if childbirth in past centuries had posed a significant danger to mothers and their children.
Yes, infant mortality within the first year of life was high due to the death of children after birth from respiratory diseases and gastrointestinal infections (hygiene was low, and there were no antibiotics).

Our obstetricians now have powerful drugs that affect the uterus and its cervix: synthetic oxytocin since the mid-1960s, synthetic prostaglandins since the 1970s, anti-progestogens since the 1980s, laminaria, and others.
Let us note immediately that
that natural prostaglandins of groups E and F, the natural hypothalamic-pituitary hormone oxytocin interact and are regulated by many other biologically active substances and hormones in the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus.
That is, synthetic prostaglandins,
antigestagens, and oxytocin cannot induce labor and contractions
corresponding to physiological (normal) labor and contractions,
since these synthetic drugs are not replicas of natural prostaglandins and oxytocin.
These drugs induce artificial,
pathological childbirth process during which normal uterine blood circulation parameters change with all resulting consequences, primarily for the fetus (hypoxia, circulatory disorders, CNS damage).

These agents, by disrupting uteroplacental circulation, cause acute fetal hypoxia (distress), leading to a breakdown in cerebral blood flow autoregulation and acute perinatal encephalopathy: edema, ischemia, hemorrhage.
Primarily affected are the regions of the white matter of the brain located at the watershed areas of the three main vascular basins – anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries. The neuroglial cells located here are responsible after birth for the processes of myelination and the organization of the functioning of the neurons in the cerebral cortex and subcortex.
The neurons of the cortex do not function at the time of birth because the corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts are not myelinated.
Neurons of the cortex establish connections with the subcortex and spinal cord after the birth of the child, leading to the development and complication of movements and the formation and subsequent development of speech and social behavior. Primarily, perinatal death of neuroglia due to acute hypoxia leads to disruption of the myelination process, reducing the number of connections between cortical cells of the brain and the subcortex and brainstem. As a result, there is functional insufficiency and physical death of neurons in the cortex and subcortex of the brain.
and various CNS developmental disorders in children appear even after birth. This leads to delayed development and more complex movements,
disorders in the formation of a normal (genetically determined) musculoskeletal system,
and impairments in speech and social development.

When these drugs are used, premature rupture of the amniotic fluid often occurs without a cervix that is ready for labor,
leading to primary and secondary weakness of labor activity.
But in most cases, induction of labor with artificial preparation of the cervix (prostaglandins, antiprogestagens, laminaria, etc.) leads to rapid and fast labor, with forceful overcoming of the birth canal, with "assault-like" characteristics of the passage of the presenting part of the fetus through the birth canal, and deep tears of the cervix. The fetus often gets injured in the process. The fetal head does not have time to prepare for passage through the pelvic bones during artificially induced or accelerated contractions.
Bones of the skull and the sutures between them in a fetus are cartilaginous and can change their configuration when passing through the birth canal. During labor stimulation, the fetal head is compressed so quickly that intracranial pressure rises sharply, venous outflow, and arterial blood inflow in the brain are disrupted, leading to areas of brain edema, ischemia, and hemorrhage.

Life experience shows that 90% of surveyed mothers with children who have cerebral palsy had labor artificially induced and accelerated or underwent emergency Cesarean section.
когда на фоне стимуляции развивалась угроза жизни для плода.
В современной медицине бытует миф,
что прежде всего из-за плохого здоровья беременных родятся больные,
с поражением ЦНС дети.
Но женщины военных и послевоенных 40-х и 50-х годов,
«общаг» и коммуналок,
тяжело трудящиеся на производстве и в деревнях,
при разгуле половых инфекций,
отсутствии антибиотиков (и отсутствии ультразвуковой диагностики),
разве могли иметь показатели здоровья лучше современных женщин?

when against the background of stimulation, a threat to the life of the fetus developed.
In modern medicine, there is a myth
that primarily due to the poor health of pregnant women, sick children
with CNS damage are born.
But women of the war and post-war 40s and 50s,
"dormitories" and communal apartments,
working hard in production and in villages,
amid the rampant spread of sexually transmitted infections,
lack of antibiotics (and lack of ultrasound diagnostics),
could they really have had health indicators better than modern women?
But at that time, there were no means for medicinal stimulation of childbirth yet, midwives and obstetricians used experience accumulated over centuries, and women of the 1940s-50s gave birth to entire generations of our compatriots, who paved the way to the atom and space, to sports Olympic podiums.

Thus, in the work of Radzinsky's department staff in 2006, it was established that the severe condition of full-term newborns at birth, requiring mechanical ventilation, is influenced less by disorders of the fetoplacental system detected during pregnancy.
how many elements of obstetric aggression in childbirth. Emergency cesarean sections accounted for 33.6% of births, after which full-term infants were placed on mechanical ventilation (immediately after the surgery). In most cases, the cesarean section was delayed and performed with pronounced fetal distress (hypoxia). That is, such emergency cesarean sections did not prevent CNS damage in the infants. In the analyzed cases of full-term infants who ended up in intensive care on mechanical ventilation, most of their mothers had a low degree of perinatal risk during pregnancy.
Thus, the materials of the work by Radzinsky's obstetrics department once again confirm that childhood disability and CNS morbidity have increased in our country because primarily full-term children are resuscitated, who, with the correct management of labor, should have been born healthy.

A representative of official obstetrics, Prof. I.S. Sidorova, in her guide for obstetricians, recommends performing an artificial amniotomy when the cervix is dilated to 6-8 cm. Although she further writes,
что amniotomy can provoke uterine hypertonia dysfunction, and cause a short-term decrease in uteroplacental blood flow with changes in fetal heart rate – often bradycardia,
which reflects pronounced fetal hypoxia.
To overcome these dangerous consequences of amniotomy for fetal health, Sidorova recommends administering no-shpa,
which are tocolytics (suppress uterine contractions),
and glucose with vitamin C and cocarboxylase,
what Sidorova believes will support the energy level and oxygenation of the fetus (pp. 87-88).
Sidorova does not provide evidence for the effectiveness of such measures in preserving fetal health after amniotomy.

V.A. Potapov in the methodological guide writes: "To date, the ineffectiveness of the following interventions in fetal distress (hypoxia) has been proven (level of evidence A): bed rest,
aspirin and dipyridamole,
calcium channel blockers,
увеличение объема циркулирующей крови, эссенциале, актовегин».

Медикаментозное лечение неэффективно при дистрессе плода, что доказано по любому препарату.
Например, глюкоза – вызывает тяжёлый метаболический ацидоз,
бета-адреномиметики (основные токолитики) вызывают синдром «обкрадывания плода»,
улучшая экстраплацентарный кровоток и обедняя плацентарное русло.
Что касается кислорода, то он вызывает спазм плацентарных сосудов,
а не расширение.
Сегодня уже всем хорошо известно,

increased volume of circulating blood, Essentiale, Actovegin.

Medication treatment is ineffective in fetal distress, which has been proven for any drug.
For example,
glucose – causes severe metabolic acidosis,
beta-adrenergic agonists (main tocolytics) cause "fetal steal" syndrome,
improving extracorporeal blood flow and depleting the placental circulation.
As for oxygen,
it causes spasms of the placental vessels,
not dilation.
Today, it is well known,
что кислородным обеспечением на периферии управляют не тонус сосудов, не объём кровообращения,
а метаболизм в тканях…
Зачем же прокалывать пузырь,
если последствия этого вмешательства для дальнейшего протекания процесса родов и для здоровья ребёнка непредсказуемы и не поддаются профилактическому лечению?!

В иностранных руководствах не так категоричны с советами: «Хотя амниотомию широко применяют в современном акушерстве,
важно учитывать риск осложнений данной процедуры: кроме возможности выпадения пуповины,


that oxygen supply on the periphery is controlled not by vessel tone, not by the volume of blood circulation,
but by metabolism in the tissues…
Why puncture the bubble,
if the consequences of this intervention for the further course of labor and the health of the child are unpredictable and not amenable to preventive treatment?!

In foreign guidelines, advice is not so categorical: "Although amniotomy is widely used in modern obstetrics,
it is important to consider the risk of complications of this procedure: besides the possibility of cord prolapse,
что опасно развитием острой гипоксии у плода и экстренным КС, при амниотомии у плода развивается преходящий ацидоз и гипоксия,
увеличивается частота вариабельных децелераций на КТГ,
повышается риск сдавления предлежащей части головки плода,
хотя в дальнейшем роды могут протекать как и при самостоятельном разрыве плодного пузыря.
При назначении амниотомии с целью родостимуляции следует помнить,
что преимущества ускорения родов перед их обычным течением не были подтверждены ни одним из крупных проспективных исследований.

что опасно развитием острой гипоксии у плода и экстренным КС, при амниотомии у плода развивается преходящий ацидоз и гипоксия,
увеличивается частота вариабельных децелераций на КТГ,
повышается риск сдавления предлежащей части головки плода,
хотя в дальнейшем роды могут протекать как и при самостоятельном разрыве плодного пузыря.
При назначении амниотомии с целью родостимуляции следует помнить,
что преимущества ускорения родов перед их обычным течением не были подтверждены ни одним из крупных проспективных исследований.
So why pierce the bubble? To damage the fetal CNS?

which damages the CNS,
but occurs during childbirth interventions with induction and stimulation,
remains undetected from birth.
A newborn with high Apgar scores of 7-10 is not examined dynamically with a full description of the neurological status,
since there is no asphyxia at birth.
As a result,
neurological disorders are discovered and recorded by pediatric neurologists,
when such children are brought to them from 1 month and later with various CNS development disorders.
CONCLUSIONS: To reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy and other central nervous system developmental disorders in children, obstetricians must limit the use of artificially created means for induction (cervical ripening) and stimulation of labor and contractions: oxytocin, prostaglandins, antiprogestagens, and others, osmotic dilators (laminaria and others), as the use of these drugs leads to the development of pathological (unnatural, abnormal) labor. The naturally initiated labor process,
under the influence of these drugs transitions into a pathological process. Such artificially induced pathological labor is dangerous,
first and foremost,
due to circulatory disorders and birth trauma to the fetus,
leading to CNS damage in the fetus.

Medical obstetric induction and labor stimulation are the main causes of CNS damage in the newborn.

"Currently, there is no effective method of drug or non-drug treatment for fetal hypoxia (distress),
either during pregnancy or labor.
Medication therapy for fetal distress (fetal hypoxia) is absent in all medical protocols worldwide! According to the developed protocol (“Fetal distress during pregnancy and childbirth” Clinical Obstetric Care Protocol approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Order No. 900 dated 27.12.2006), fetal hypoxia is not treated today!
In some cases, there are pregnant women
who require urgent delivery (emergency Cesarean section) due to the condition of the fetus,
with the aim of providing resuscitation measures to the newborn.
In all other cases, we simply observe the condition of the fetus. If fetal distress (hypoxia) persists,
immediate delivery is necessary. So why intervene in labor with medications and techniques
that may cause fetal distress (hypoxia)?

The consequences of fetal distress (hypoxia) during labor in the first hours and days of newborn life are practically not studied or recorded by neurologists and neonatologists,
because according to the accepted classification of perinatal CNS injuries,
under control are only newborns with signs of asphyxia at birth.
For those who wish to read the full report, see the link http://www.domrebenok.ru/blog/prichina-dcp-i-drugix-povrezhdenij-cns-v-indukcii-i-stimulyacii-rodov/
Perelygin I.V.

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