State and private maternity hospitals.
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...

Part 1.

On American slang, "cuckoo's nest" is a mental institution.
The hero of Ken Kesey's famous novel (also Jack Nicholson in Milos Forman's brilliant film adaptation),
figuratively speaking,
"flies over" the cuckoo's nest in search of truth... An objective view from a bird's-eye perspective.

Finding himself in a mental institution by fate's will,
a mentally and psychologically healthy person (the hero) undergoes a reevaluation of the existing reality.

...The cuckoo's nest is a nest without chicks,
пустое… Bright and beautiful image… Symbol of the absurdity of what's happening… after all, it is the only bird in nature that abandons its chicks — an existential nonsense…
…A woman,
abandoning or entrusting her children to others,
is popularly called a cuckoo…
…How often, due to inertia and intellectual laziness, we do not think about many such important and fundamental things… Even when it concerns the life and health of loved ones… Reminding us of madmen,
unwilling to leave their illusory and comfortable world…
…When we want to book a hotel,
we often clarify all the details of the future stay: first - we want to understand how many stars the hotel has… And of course,
which way the room windows face,
what kind of bed there will be,
whether breakfast is included and what kind,
whether the mattress on the bed is regular or orthopedic,
is there air conditioning,
free and convenient parking,
free WiFi,
how far is the hotel from the historical part of the city….

Isn't it true,
familiar situation?
So many questions,
and after all, you just need to sleep for a couple of nights… But this really worries us…
have you ever wondered how many nuances exist when it comes to childbirth assistance?
What consequences can it have for the entire subsequent life of the child,
the woman,
in fact,
for the whole family?!!
Can you imagine how many people-small gears will revolve around your emerging family?
How many pitfalls of absurd coincidences will be under your feet:
staff fatigue from sleepless nights and their illnesses,

the quality and shelf life of pharmaceutical drugs,

just their availability at the moment,
mentality of duty shift doctors,
urgent situations and bleeding,
when minutes decide everything
and just accidents and inconsistencies,

when for the sake of saving another child they might forget about yours.

When it comes to the safety of TWO LIVES — the mother and the newborn,

whole worlds of complex medical technologies and the human factor must converge in one place.
It is necessary
that someone carefully and meticulously anticipates EVERYTHING and ensures the team's professional work day or night.
you must be absolutely confident.
that the medical institution you are turning to
IS ABLE to give you everything you want—
a healthy baby and a happy, healthy mother.

Part 2.

Just like abroad,
we have three possible options for childbirth.
You can GIVE BIRTH in a maternity hospital:

PUBLIC with enhanced conditions and with "your" doctor,



The word "public" speaks for itself.
In Ukraine and most European countries,
as well as in America and the United Kingdom,
this implies a fairly limited package of medical services.

You are highly likely to encounter to some extent:

The inability to choose a specific doctor for childbirth and cesarean section.
All the best specialists and names require separate payment.

Limited possibility of performing a cesarean section due to widespread healthcare cost-cutting,
for example,
in the UK,

Limited hospital stay time,
which means,
и риском вовремя незамеченных осложнений. В Великобритании,
женщины должны покинуть роддом на следующий день при естественных родах,
на третьи сутки после кесарева сечения.

Отсутствием комфортных условий пребывания для матери и ребенка -неудобные матрацы и подушки,
застиранная постель,
неприятные интерьеры и запахи; нередко с вынужденным соседством с другими роженицами.

Отсутствием звукоизоляции — нарушением внутреннего интимного пространства матери и ребенка,
невозможностью полноценного сна и отдыха ни днем,
не ночью для женщины, нуждающейся в особом покое.

The inconvenience of the hospital's internal schedule.
No one will pay attention to whether you are resting or not.
The cleaners start their work at six in the morning,
the pediatric nurse,
who has another dozen or so children,
will also come at the most inconvenient time for you and your baby,
and in some maternity hospitals, she is absent altogether.

The lack of control over viral diseases among the medical staff (there's simply no one to replace them) — that is,
no one guarantees you,
With the lack of proper nutrition for the nursing mother,
the lack of special quality nutrition after a cesarean section.

With a constant shortage of staff: the heavy workload of the pediatric nurse,
serving too many children,
with all the ensuing consequences.

With an increased risk of hospital-acquired infection for the mother,
always present with large patient flows,
what is particularly dangerous during operative delivery. The air filters for ventilation (if it exists at all) are often not purchased and not maintained on time in order to save money.

With a limited number of places in the children's intensive care unit for those in need of emergency neonatal care.
There may simply not be a place for your child if necessary.
The neonatologist-resuscitator may be occupied with another child.

Lack of confidentiality: the details of your stay will be widely discussed within the hospital and beyond it,
If you are a well-known person.
Of course,
budget maternity hospitals vary even within the same country,
a lot depends on the management of the maternity hospital.
But overall — these are inexorable trends in the organization of budget healthcare.
One cannot deny the fact,
that dozens of dedicated and talented doctors,
despite the system's imperfections,
sacrificing their own health,
save the lives of mothers and children.

private room and "your own" doctor

This form is very common,
which is somewhat better than the first option due to the more comfortable stay in a budget maternity hospital with improved wards and increased attention from "your" doctor who delivers the baby.
All other "charms" of the budget maternity hospital,
rest assured, will remain with you.

In this case,
most likely,
many people simply like to think
that they managed the task with minimal (!!) costs.
And so it is,
of course,
you were lucky and everything ended well.
it seems to me
your family all this time resembled a fragile little boat,
rushing past the reefs, thinking,
that after paying the captain and tossing a coin to the sailors,
it was in complete safety.


Depending on the level of the medical facility, you will give birth in the conditions of a 3-5 star hotel with all the benefits and advantages.

Most private maternity hospitals offer a wider range of both medical
and other services, depending on the patient's financial capabilities.
This includes rooms with the option to stay with a spouse or relative,
pleasant interiors.
First of all, it is the freedom to choose the doctor who delivers the baby or performs the cesarean section,
the choice of anesthesia,
and more thorough preparation of patients taking into account all their wishes.

As a rule,
it is possible to have a personal midwife and a personal pediatric nurse.
If desired and at an additional cost, you can stay in the clinic for a longer period both before
and after childbirth.
Most private clinics offer a customized menu for the woman and meal options for the husband.

the level of equipment,
professionalism of the staff, and, therefore, the safety of childbirth for both the woman and the child will be an order of magnitude higher than in public clinics. It's understandable — clinics value their reputation.

Part 3.

you will give birth in the conditions of a small exclusive
5-star hotel
only in single spacious rooms
with the possibility of staying with your spouse,

exquisite interiors,

an orthopedic mattress,

choice of pillows according to your preference.

The rooms are equipped with consoles with oxygen supply,
satellite TV, WiFi.
There are only two luxury wards with a separate delivery room on the floor.

Provisions are made for giving birth in the bathtub following the Michel Odent method.

The main and distinctive feature of childbirth at Genesis is that

During childbirth, there are always at least 12 staff members per patient:
two experienced obstetrician-gynecologists: the choice of doctor is possible at the patient's request.
often one of the doctors — who observed the entire pregnancy and has an emotional connection with the woman;
two neonatologists,
one of whom is a neonatologist-resuscitator,
which means that if necessary, resuscitation of the newborn will be provided immediately;
anesthesiologist for pain relief during childbirth;
individual midwife;
individual pediatric nurse;
laboratory doctor;
technical support.

After childbirth, you will have:
round-the-clock INDIVIDUAL midwife post for all days of stay.
INDIVIDUAL post of a pediatric nurse who carefully looks after the child day and night using only organic cosmetics.
You will be able to sleep peacefully, recover quickly, and feel and look great by the time you are discharged.
A video surveillance system for the child is provided in case you want to rest and transfer the child to the pediatric unit.

All these days, your child is under the close supervision of the same neonatologist, who carefully monitors the baby's health condition.
teaches the mother about breastfeeding, and if necessary, selects the best nutritional formulas for the baby and teas to improve lactation for the mother.

The clinic has the capability of conducting phototherapy for physiological jaundice of the newborn,
Holter monitoring for the early diagnosis of heart problems,
and always performs neurosonography to rule out possible postpartum brain complications.

Immediately after birth,
and BLOOD SUGAR is conducted,
что позволяет выявить OXYGEN DEFICIENCY OF THE CHILD DURING LABOR and certain DISEASES OF THE NEONATAL PERIOD AT AN EARLY STAGE and make the right decisions. The PRESENCE of a capillary BILIRUBINOMETER allows avoiding taking blood from the child’s vein.

An individual chef will cook specially for you, taking into account your tastes and wishes,
the specifics of breastfeeding, and the specifics of nutrition after a cesarean section.

The clinic provides the opportunity for a ceremonial discharge and obtaining documents for the child on the day of discharge.
Thoughtful autonomous life support system of the clinic: in case of necessity, electricity, water supply, and heating will be provided independently of city issues.

Modern ventilation and air conditioning system with regular maintenance and filter replacement — autonomous on each floor, eliminates the risk of hospital infection spread.

Patient safety system with restricted access, round-the-clock security, and parking.

In the conditions of our Genesis maternity hospital,
which is the logical continuation of the entire complex of human reproduction medical services and the embodiment of our main idea

you are guaranteed to receive the highest level of medical care and safety for both mother and child.

Igor Perelygin

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