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What is mystical perception?
It is when your brain at some stage starts to function differently: perhaps,
you become more "advanced" and catch symbols and signals
inaccessible to the average perception of reality.
It seems - and so would an ordinary person say - you are simply going insane….
Let's present the bare facts,
and you judge...

current place of residence:
Rybinskaya St.,

At this address, over more than ten years, thanks to the method of in vitro fertilization, 1,800 children were BORN and 80 children... in their own maternity hospital, which opened 2 years ago.

GENESIS — Genesis (Greek
Γένεση) — origin,
It derives from the name of the Old Testament Book of Genesis (Latin

DNIPRO (BORISTHENES)… Boristhenes — the ancient Greek name of the Dnipro River,
and also the name of the god of this river.
According to one of the mythical versions of the ancient Scythians about their origin, there was that,
в которой первый скиф появился от брака бога Зевса и дочери бога реки Борисфена (Днепра).

UKRAINE… According to one poetic version, it derives from the root "kraine" — crane (due to the large number of these birds that once inhabited the territory of our country and the characteristic appearance of well sweeps.
The crane is a wise and sacred bird,
symbolizing fertility,
longevity, and familial happiness.

DNIPROPETROVSK… The original name of the city is Yekaterinoslav.
In Christianity, Catherine symbolizes sacrifice and loyalty,
patroness of female fate and childbirth.

RYBINSKAYA... The fish in many world cultures serves as a symbol of fertility,
in a spiritual sense.
A large number of roe symbolizes abundance.
In Christianity, the fish is a symbol of Christ; the word "ichthys" is an acrostic for "Jesus Christ,
God's son,
In the medieval era, the fish was a symbol of the spiritual essence,
hidden under the visible cover of things.
In East Slavic folklore, there is a tale about how,

How a childless king, following the advice of "wise people," catches a fish with a "golden feather"; the queen, cook, and dog each eat a piece of this fish, and all three give birth to heroes.
In China and India, fish has always symbolized birth.

two and three: adding up to five.
In many cultures, "two" is a symbol of the feminine principle,
"three" is a symbol of the masculine principle.
In Pythagoreanism, the number "five" is considered sacred,
combining three (the symbol of Heaven) and two (the symbol of Earth),
на этом числе основаны законы природы.
В христианстве «пятерка» — это символ двойной природы Христа, божественной и человеческой,
а также символ мужского и женского начала…

IVP — инициалы моего имени:
In Vitro Production,
что можно перевести как экстракорпоральное оплодотворение…

не случайно,
что клиника,
которая специализируется на лечении бесплодия,
сопровождении беременности и родовспоможении,
была основана именно в этом месте,
получила именно этот адрес прописки
и создана именно этими людьми ….

Igor Perelygin

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