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when our society is in the midst of global and troubling changes,
the questions - how and where to get treatment,
how to maintain health for yourself and your loved ones
- require rethinking...
Medical TV shows,
endless internet resources...
Yet the problems and questions remain...

Igor Perelygin... A man
who has been creating his own medicine for many years...

We leave the questions off-screen,
keeping only the strokes and thoughts...

- You know,
a person builds their house,
as a rule,
once in a lifetime...

However, he first chooses the place: it must be bright and clean, then seeks help from professionals and the work begins.
Depending on
how he chose the architect,
the further level of comfort of living in this house depends.

Everything starts with the foundation...
both literally and figuratively...
The same goes for health,
only it's even more complicated and responsible — especially
when it concerns the health of loved ones...
It's impossible to get quality medical care within dark and dirty walls...

I think
that affording the "luxury" of treating a patient,

Taking into account his interests and thinking primarily about him, and not about their own safety on the principle of "better safe than sorry" can only be afforded by a few doctors and medical institutions.
For this, it is necessary to be financially independent and think freely.
the dominant factor for a doctor is often merely following impersonal protocols and schemes
imposed by pharmaceutical companies,
and proper handling of medical documentation in order
to protect themselves...
from various regulatory bodies.

Such are, unfortunately,
the realities of survival for doctors not only in our country due to the dictate of the Ministry of Health,
but also in the system of insurance medicine in prosperous countries.
This is how indifference and fatigue are born - why think,
why constantly read,
if there is an approved protocol…

The level and experience of a doctor are determined by their understanding
that the goal of medicine is not just a simple fight against symptoms… It is always necessary to remember the quality of life of the patient,
and this is a multidimensional characteristic… it is their physical,

Emotional and social well-being.

Today I am simply convinced,
that wherever medicine is put on the assembly line,
no one will think about the future of the patient.
This leads to a situation where
completely unjustified and ineffective treatments for chlamydia and Helicobacter are administered until the patient's last breath,
births are unjustifiably induced, traumatizing both mother and child,
artificial joints are imposed
when it's simply necessary to reduce weight...
And believe me,
I can give hundreds of such examples...

Over time, I have come to the conclusion that in the world,
One way or another, everywhere there exists "medicine for the poor" and "medicine for the rich."
Moreover, the difference between these two worlds lies in the approaches,
not in the prices
"Medicine for the poor" is when the doctor doesn’t think about the patient,
but thinks about their own safety.
As a rule, the doctor doesn't think at all,
because thinking during a fifteen-minute appointment in public service is simply not possible.
As a result, a person spends years going around an endless circle of doctors and non-existent diagnoses and ends up paying more.
"Medicine for the rich"… These words should not be taken literally… It’s when the patient is not humiliated and does not play the role of a petitioner,
when medications are not imposed on them to make money,
when the doctor is not late for appointments and is not chatting
on their mobile phone - they have time to communicate and think about the patient… It is good
when the doctor and patient together find ways to actually not get sick.
а не постоянно лечиться…Когда человек в итоге получает качество жизни.
"Медицина для бедных" – это like a radio set in the kitchen of a Khrushchyovka, "medicine for the rich" – this is the ability to see the world through a satellite, daily expanding your horizons...

Therefore, for me, sometimes, it is surprising to observe, when a not wealthy person chooses "medicine for the rich", and a wealthy person - "medicine for the poor". Probably, it is just a matter of individual human culture, education, and intelligence. However, this is how the human brain works,
что любую информацию можно воспринять только тогда, когда ты к ней подготовлен,
когда созрел...
Поэтому сегодня я уже спокойно и философски отношусь к желанию человека… болеть,
когда есть все возможности этого не делать.

В любой медицинской ситуации есть несколько путей решения.
наиболее ярко это проявляется в сфере репродуктивных технологий,
когда женщина хочет иметь ребенка - всегда есть несколько путей для пары.
Мое предназначение рассказать обо всех,

Indicate the most effective one from the perspective of modern medicine and individual issues, and ... understand the patient's choice, even if it is incorrect.
It is his choice.
next time he will make a different one.

The ability to choose comes with age,
this is what they call life experience.

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