Benefits of Genesis-Dnepr private maternity hospital.
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— I.V.,
there's a lot of talk about you in our city,
many enthusiastic reviews - especially from those patients
who gave birth in your clinic... Tell me,
who are your patients?

— Our patients are,
first and foremost,
smart and sensible women,
who value themselves and understand
that men need healthy children and healthy wives...
These are both the women
who went through the "hell" of their first births in public institutions and do not want a repeat of the nightmare,
and those
who have already given birth abroad and want to receive better service for less money in their own hometown...
— I.V.,
often your colleagues direct their patients not to you, but to other maternity hospitals under the pretext that you don't have a neonatal intensive care unit…
— I see two options here: selfish motives or a complete lack of information about our maternity hospital.

All deliveries at "Genesis-Dnipro" take place only under the conditions of neonatal intensive care in the presence of a neonatologist-resuscitator and on equipment that surpasses in several parameters the equipment of perinatal centers.
На все дни пребывания к услугам родильницы — индивидуальный пост детской медицинской сестры и возможность видеоконтроля за ребенком, когда мама отдыхает.

— I.V.,
What are the most important advantages of your maternity hospital?

— A small number of births per month
— Safety for the mother and baby
— Concentration of the best specialists
— Absence of pain and negative emotions
— Exceptional service
— Homemade cuisine
In a word,
we create a celebration… A celebration for the whole family…
Maternity hospital "Genesis-Dnepr" is like… a "Lego" set.
We can arrange any configuration of family members as desired, involving parents, grandparents, and all family friends in this event...
— I.V.,
one year after the maternity hospital's opening,
what would you like to say to the residents of Dnepropetrovsk?

— I believe that with our family-type maternity hospital, we have beautified our city and fulfilled the dreams of many women.
Today, we can confidently say that we are no worse than the best private maternity hospitals in Europe, America, the United Kingdom, and South Korea.
Our only difference is that we are nearby and much more affordable.
No wonder they say: face to face, you can't see the faces; only from a distance, you can see the big picture…
I. Perelygin


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