Advantages and disadvantages of dad's presence at childbirth
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In all ages, the birth of a child has been considered a mystery,
which only a Woman is capable of.
This has always been and remains the primary mission of a woman – to give birth to offspring.
For this, she is idolized,
appreciated, and elevated… And if about ten years ago, a man was not involved in this Mystery,
simply put,
the presence of a father at childbirth was not even considered,
today, partner births are becoming commonplace.

So, is this a new fashion trend or a conscious necessity dictated by life itself?
Be that as it may,
у так называемых совместных родов есть свои сторонники и противники. Попробуем разобраться в аргументах тех и других.

Сначала о плюсах…
Совместные роды – это общие переживания, которые максимально укрепляют отношения между супругами.
Подготовка и участие в родах помогает мужчине сразу почувствовать себя отцом.
Особенно это актуально, когда рождается первенец.
Мужчина берет на себя всю ответственность за практическую сторону родов: договаривается с медицинским персоналом, принимает важные решения.
Но самое главное,

Now about the advantages…
Joint childbirth is a shared experience that maximizes the strengthening of relationships between spouses.
Preparation and participation in childbirth help the man immediately feel like a father.
This is especially relevant when the firstborn is born.
The man takes full responsibility for the practical side of childbirth: he negotiates with the medical staff and makes important decisions.
But the most important thing,
comforts and encourages his wife during the most difficult moments. Psychologically, a woman endures labor significantly easier if her beloved man is nearby.

Moreover, the child's psyche is formed more correctly later on if in the first moment of their life they see not only their mother, but also their father, who welcome them. Indeed, the baby does not sleep for the first 40 minutes of life. This is a unique moment when imprinting occurs—when the newborn registers the objects with which a long-term connection will later be established.
Contact between father and child, eyes to eyes, guarantees a lifelong bond with each other.
After childbirth,
already at the stage of caring for the baby, the shared experiences will repeatedly stimulate the father to help with the infant.
After all, if a man has gone through the most "dreadful,"
almost as if "he gave birth" — then changing a diaper or washing a bottle for his offspring won't seem so burdensome at all...
Now, about the potential downsides...
We shouldn't forget,
that even the most loving and tolerant future father,
above all,
man. But the overwhelming majority of men, due to their psychological makeup, negatively react to various forms of "naturalness."
And even if a man does not show it,
on a subconscious level he may develop feelings of disgust,
and potentially a loss of intimate interest in his woman.

A man has difficulty enduring the sufferings and screams of his wife and can himself fall into a state of "stupor" or even shock,
becoming not a helper,
but an additional irritating factor (both for the wife
and for the medical staff).
На символическом культурном уровне процесс родов всегда был неким таинством для мужчины. Опять же на подсознательном уровне у мужчины вполне может отложиться некое «равноправие» в этом процессе и нивелироваться то самое уважение к женской сущности по типу вечного: «мы,
мужчины – обеспечиваем,
а вы,
женщины – нам рожаете».

что эти плюсы и минусы «работают» в зависимости от каждого конкретного человека и каждой конкретной ситуации.
И быть ли папе на родах – каждая семья определяет сама.
Psychologists and doctors take a unified position here: the presence of the husband during childbirth is recommended after appropriate psychological preparation.

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