Vedic astrology for newborns
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Our guest is Elena Medvedovskaya,
a consultant in Vedic astrology (Jyotish),
a practicing psychologist,
a psychotherapist at GENESIS.

- Elena,
many prospective parents consult you on various aspects...
We all know what astrology is,
but not everyone knows
what "Vedic" astrology means...

- Jyotish is a much broader concept
than just astrology.
The word "Jyotish" consists of two root words: "Jyoti" (light) and "Ishtha" (God).
The true task of Jyotish (Vedic astrology) is to reveal the laws and beauty of this world, along with the knowledge that enables a person to develop harmoniously in all spheres of life: physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual. Jyotish explains how the laws of nature affect a person starting from the moment of their birth and contains mathematically precise knowledge about the cycles of time, on which all changes and transformations in nature are based.

Vedic Astrology allows understanding and predicting events in all areas of life, such as: health,
relationships with people,
material well-being,
career and family life,
and the realization of a person's talents in this world.
To understand,
predict and adjust...
Thanks to this,
a person can become significantly more successful in all areas of life.

- What questions do expectant parents come to you with?
How can Vedic astrology be useful for the fate of a newborn?

- The child knows on their own,
когда и где ему появиться на свет. Но бывает так,
что по медицинским показаниям маме рекомендовано кесарево сечение и предоставляется право выбора даты этой операции.
В таком случае астролог подбирает максимально благоприятный день и время из предложенных вариантов.

Так же я консультирую по Нам-Каран - первый слог имени для новорожденных детей.
Правильно подобранный первый слог имени очень важен для хорошего здоровья,
процветания и счастья в жизни человека.
Это связано с тем,
when and where the baby will be born. However, there are cases when, due to medical indications, a C-section is recommended for the mother and she is given the right to choose the date of the operation.
In such cases, an astrologer selects the most favorable day and time from the proposed options.

I also consult on Naam-Karan - the first syllable of a newborn's name.
A correctly chosen first syllable of a name is very important for good health,
prosperity, and happiness in a person's life.
This is because
что звуки имеют очень сильное влияние на психофизиологию человека. Правильное имя – это значит такие звуки,
которые очень точно отражают особые вибрации психофизиологии человека.
При повторении или слушании этих звуков создается эффект резонанса,
который усиливает и продлевает жизнь,
поддерживает здоровье и предохраняет от различных проблем.

Верить или не верить в астрологию - личное дело каждого...
Но как приятно осознавать,
что твой ребенок благословен даже небом...

Руслана Широкова


that sounds have a very strong influence on human psychophysiology. The right name means sounds that very accurately reflect the special vibrations of a person’s psychophysiology.
When these sounds are repeated or listened to, it creates a resonance effect, which strengthens and prolongs life, supports health, and protects against various problems.

Believing in astrology or not is a personal matter...
But how pleasant it is to realize that your child is blessed even by the sky...

Ruslana Shirokova

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