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— In the modern world, there are a huge number of clinics treating infertility through in vitro fertilization – IVF; one could even say that this procedure has become almost routine… I would like to understand, how does the GENESIS clinic differ from other clinics and why is it worth visiting Dnipro?

Our clinic was initially conceived and established twenty years ago as an author's boutique clinic with exclusive quality and a full cycle of services for patients — from conception to the birth of a child. Each woman,
переступив порог нашей клиники с любыми проблемами, может… расслабиться: с этого самого момента она имеет право и возможность на неограниченное внимание в любое время суток.
То есть,
о ней думают не только в течение одного часа на приеме,
а пошагово сопровождают до того самого волнующего момента торжественной выписки с ребенком на руках.
Другими словами,
мы проживаем вместе с пациентками ту часть жизни,
которую нам доверили.

...Мы с женой постарались воплотить наше видение и понимание той самой Медицины,


crossing the threshold of our clinic with any problems, can... relax: from this very moment she has the right and opportunity for unlimited attention at any time of the day.
That is,
she is thought of not only during the one-hour appointment,
but is accompanied step by step until the very exciting moment of the ceremonial discharge with the baby in her arms.
In other words,
we live together with our patients that part of life
which has been entrusted to us.

...My wife and I have tried to embody our vision and understanding of that very Medicine,
What it should be... Healthcare with a human face... Not only technologically advanced but also free from imposed stereotypes and prescriptions of pharmaceutical manufacturers aimed at mass drug sales, as well as insurance companies that save money for the state. We are completely financially independent from these structures, and our sole priority is the patient's desire to be healthy and solve their problems.

Today, throughout Europe, it is no secret, there is widespread reduction in healthcare expenses.
In conditions of austerity, I think it is unrealistic to expect that someone will seriously and long-term address your problems. Particularly when we talk about reproductive health — the most delicate and sensitive area requiring a thoughtful approach.

In working with women after numerous ineffective IVF attempts in European and American clinics, I have always noticed the insufficiency of examination and preparation of the female body for this procedure.
А ведь именно правильная и качественная подготовка резко увеличивает шансы на зачатие и конечный результат — рождение здорового ребенка. Нередко оплодотворение «в пробирке» поставлено просто на поток, проводятся многочисленные затратные и с моральной, и с материальной стороны «попытки» для женщины, но выгодные для клиники — как результат, теряется резерв женского здоровья и времени.

— Когда не поздно и реально сегодня родить ребенка?

Сегодня возраст, когда женщина решает родить ребенка,

After all, it is proper and high-quality preparation that sharply increases the chances of conception and the ultimate result — the birth of a healthy baby. Often, "in vitro" fertilization is simply put on stream, numerous costly "attempts" are made, both morally and financially draining for the woman, but advantageous for the clinic — as a result, the reserve of the woman's health and time is lost.

— When is it not too late and actually possible to have a baby today?

Today, the age when a woman decides to have a baby,
all the time is being pushed back — it's increasingly 35-40 and even 45 years. But that's the way nature is designed,
that even beautiful, well-groomed women at this age,
as a rule,
already have problems with conception – it’s simply determined by nature,
that eggs age faster.
However, the capabilities of modern medicine allow women today to have a child up to the age of 60.
But then questions of a different order arise...Will the woman have time to raise the child?..

By the way,
in many countries around the world, there are age restrictions for assisted reproductive technologies (ART) programs. In Ukraine, such strict legislative limitations do not exist.
In our clinic, we always consider and fulfill all the wishes of our patients regarding the selection of donor gametes and surrogate mothers.

— Childbirth in GENESIS — what is it?

Our concept is to turn childbirth into a Celebration and Miracle for the entire family.
I must say,
this is exactly what patients say about our maternity hospital...
In general,

every self-respecting woman, when signing a childbirth contract, should get answers to specific and fundamental questions: who and how many staff members will be present during her labor and all subsequent days and nights of stay, will her personal doctor be present,
individual midwife,
experienced neonatologist-resuscitator,
An informative and indicative test question,
to which special attention should be paid, is the number of children in the maternity hospital,
"whom a pediatric nurse should attend to. If there are more than two, it means that the mother herself will need to get up at night to attend to the child, which is quite difficult after a cesarean section.

In our clinic, the patient stays in a spacious, beautiful room comparable to a five-star hotel. All baby care is fully handled by a pediatric nurse who focuses solely on this baby!!! The mother can sleep peacefully and recover quickly. The baby is always close to the mother or, if she prefers, in the pediatric ward."
under the healing sounds of the great Mozart. For parental control, there is a video surveillance system installed here. Accommodation is also available for the father, either next to the wife and child, or in an adjacent room. The cook prepares meals individually for each patient, taking into account the specifics of breastfeeding. This means that everything the woman eats will not harm the baby or cause allergies and digestive issues.

We have made an effort to build and organize the entire process in such a way as to free the woman from any pitfalls of absurd incidents.
that always occur with large flows of female patients in big clinics. For example,
when your child urgently needs help and every minute counts,
but the pediatrician is busy with another newborn at that time.
And this
absolutely real-life situation
could cost your child's life,
and no one will ever tell you about it!
Or... viral infections among the staff,
inevitable in large maternity wards,
simple indifference and fatigue – this is fundamentally excluded with us!

Of course,
childbirth is always an unpredictable process.
when a woman is completely healthy and has been under careful supervision throughout her pregnancy, the risk of complications for both mother and child always exists!
Nature has designed childbirth as a mechanism of regulation and natural selection — but for each individual person, only their own story with a happy ending is important.
Our task is to "cancel" the so-called natural selection and approach,
not to tempt fate,
99.9 percent positive outcome.
The rest is the patient's own spiritual work.

In summary,
I'll tell you… Natural childbirth or cesarean section at GENESIS DNEPR involves more than 15 top specialists focused solely on one patient: two obstetrician-gynecologists, an anesthesiologist,
two pediatricians,
one of whom must be a resuscitator,
a midwife,
a pediatric nurse,
junior medical staff,
technical support, and others.

Various options are also available,
such as renting an entire floor,
or two rooms opposite each other — one for the mother,
the other for relatives.
For a quick recovery of a woman after childbirth, we offer a course of IV drips with amino acids and vitamins.
Our clinic is like a "Lego" set,
where any wishes of the patients are assembled and brought to reality.

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