Happy review about the maternity ward.
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Dear Genesis Dnipro Team!

Our family, with great satisfaction and from the bottom of our hearts, expresses our gratitude and appreciation for your diligent work.

Becoming a mother for the third time,
I was once again convinced
that God exists and that there is a clinic from God.
This is the Genesis Dnipro clinic...

Thanks to you, we preserved our pregnancy (whereas in our city everyone said
it was better not to risk it),
we went through the entire pregnancy in health and joy and received the most precious treasure - our sweetest little son.

I never cease to be amazed,
how were you able to choose the best quality, starting from medical equipment and ending with the best diapers for babies.
Not to mention the professional and courteous staff.

You are all great!

The Voronyuk family with love!

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