People often ask me to recommend a remedy for hemorrhoids.
acquaintances of acquaintances,
just like that,
call me on the phone and ask to recommend something for hemorrhoids,
something that works... But I refuse...
People immediately think
that I'm stingy :) and that I'm unwilling to recommend good suppositories :)
it's not that I'm stingy.
It's just that I worry about my reputation,
you know,
what will happen to my reputation,
when people buy what I recommend,
and it doesn't help...
Same level of question - "I have a cold, can you recommend some antibiotic?" :)) Or "I have a wound, can you recommend some ointment?" :))
In the case of hemorrhoids...
Patients tend to consider any discomfort they may feel below and behind as hemorrhoids :) In fact, here's an approximate list of options: hemorrhoids,
anal fissures,
paraproctitis (acute or fistulous),
ulcerative colitis,
coccygodynia, etc.
And even a conversation with the patient,
and even a properly collected medical history, do not always help make a diagnosis.
The patient needs to be looked at with eyes and touched with hands. This is the minimum… Sometimes hardware examination helps.
In some cases, a biopsy is also needed,
and a colonoscopy,
I will note,
in all these cases the treatment is different.
In all.
Sometimes surgery is not needed at all and can only make things worse.
In some cases, surgery is absolutely necessary.
операция УЖЕ не нужна.
И поэтому я не знаю универсального средства от всех болячек "downandbehind"… Ведь даже "Dneprogaz" периодически проверяет трубы(газовые) своих клиентов…
Пора проверить трубы… Люди,сходите к проктологу…
Olga Ryabchinskaya,