Dietary supplements - what are they needed for?
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Dietary Supplements: The Most Important Thing to Remember... A Doctor's Subjective Opinion

1. From thirty to fifty percent of the pharmaceutical market is occupied specifically by biologically active supplements...

2. The line between them is often conditional...
All drugs used to save lives: in intensive care, during surgical interventions, at the front lines - are medicinal drugs...

3. Today, the situation has developed where modern drugs in all countries are easier to register as dietary supplements, and this happens due to the monopolization of this market by biopharma...

4. One needs to ask oneself a specific question,
with what purpose do I take these medications?

There are several options:

there is a serious problem and this is the way to solve it...

to improve general well-being...

for preventive purposes...

everyone drinks and I drink...

5. Any medication
that you put in your mouth or administer parenterally (i/m or i/v) can be potentially dangerous for you
6. Before you...

how to "touch" your body, you always need to undergo at least minimal biochemical and functional examinations ... with subsequent regular monitoring every 3-12 months depending on your individual situation ...

7. When using any medication, consultation with a doctor with clinical experience is necessary ...

8. Please do not underestimate the effectiveness of using "unconventional" medicines used in Eastern medicine ...
In good hands, they can be extremely effective ...

9. And,
последнее , занимаясь последние 30 лет традиционной медициной и ,
как минимум ,
15 лет использую альтернативные препараты со всего мира,
находясь в постоянном их поиске...

Вся фармакопея лично для меня разделилась на "EMERGENCY CARE",
которая проводится традиционным способом и в короткое время,
ведь достаточно рисковано лечить острый цистит или пиелонефрит нетрадиционным способом ,
как правило ,
мы используем антибиотики для быстрого эффекта,
профилактики осложнений и хронизации процесса
и на медицину
And these are completely different approaches...
This concerns the treatment of chronic diseases,
aesthetic and anti-aging medicine, as well as orphan diseases...

Well, those are my thoughts...

Perylygin I.V.

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