Gluteal prosthetics with implants (volume enhancement) in Ukraine.
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Buttock augmentation with implants

Buttock augmentation with implants
The operation is aimed at correcting the volume of the buttock area of the body [accordion][accor_block title="INDICATIONS"] Insufficient volume in the buttock area [/accor_block][accor_block title="TECHNIQUE"] The operation is performed under general anesthesia with access to the intergluteal folds, implants are placed under the muscle (this levels the possibility of implant contouring). The operation ends with the application of a cosmetic suture. Temporary drainage installation - as indicated. [/accor_block][accor_block title="ANESTHESIA"] general [/accor_block][accor_block title="DURATION"] 1, 5 - 2 hours [/accor_block][accor_block title="HOSPITAL STAY"] 2-3 days[/accor_block][accor_block title="REHABILITATION PERIOD"] a month after buttock implants placement - if necessary, administration of medical injections into body muscles (injections are made in other areas of the body, so as not to damage the implant). [/accor_block][/accordion]

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