Forehead plastic surgery: tissue lift by open or closed method in Ukraine.
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Forehead plastic surgery: tissue lift with open or closed method.

Forehead plastic surgery: tissue lift with open or closed method.
As we age, the influence of gravity and decreased skin turgor can lead to the sagging of forehead tissues, eyebrows, and upper eyelids, resulting in not only a deterioration of appearance but also possible physical impairments such as restricted fields of vision and the formation of horizontal forehead wrinkles that extend into skin folds. A forehead lift is a surgery aimed at eliminating these undesirable effects. This operation can be performed using either an open (coronal lift) or a closed (endoscopic lift) method. The choice of the method and its applicability are strictly individual. Often, when performing this operation with the lifting of the tissue complex, the need for upper blepharoplasty may be eliminated. [accordion][accor_block title="INDICATIONS FOR BROW LIFT"]

  • Horizontal forehead wrinkles (skin folds)
  • Vertical glabellar wrinkles
  • Low-set eyebrows
  • Excess skin in the upper eyelids
  • Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes (crow's feet)

[/accor_block][accor_block title="SURGICAL TECHNIQUE"] During an open brow lift, the incision is made from temple to temple across the hair-bearing part of the head to subsequently camouflage the scar. The skin and underlying tissues up to the level of the eyebrows are mobilized. Excess skin is excised and staples are applied (to maximize the preservation of the hair follicles' nourishment). In a closed brow lift, mobilization occurs through 3-5 incisions in the hair-bearing part of the head, each up to 1.5 cm long. [/accor_block][accor_block title="АНЕСТЕЗИЯ"] General anesthesia: Intravenous or endotracheal anesthesia [/accor_block][accor_block title="ДЛИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ОПЕРАЦИИ"] Duration of surgery 2-3 hours [/accor_block][accor_block title="ПРОДОЛЖИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ПРЕБЫВАНИЯ В СТАЦИОНАРЕ"] Duration of hospital stay 1-3 days [/accor_block][accor_block title="ПОСЛЕОПЕРАЦИОННЫЙ ПЕРИОД И РЕАБИЛИТАЦИЯ"] Minor pain sensations in the first days after surgery. Stitches are removed on the 4-5th day after surgery. Braces are removed 2 weeks after surgery. Social activity resumes in a week. Full physical activity one month after surgery. Additional physiotherapy procedures and care are individualized. Modern surgical techniques, the surgeon's qualifications, and the clinic's equipment level minimize possible risks. Nevertheless, you need to be aware of possible complications, which you can learn about in the informed consent for the surgery. At present, the classic brow lift is used in nearly all leading clinics around the world. Additionally, the endoscopic technique has been developed and implemented, in which the brow lift plastic surgery is performed through three centimeter incisions. [/accor_block][/accordion]

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