Blepharoplasty (plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids) in Dnipro
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Blepharoplasty (surgery of the upper and lower eyelids)

Blepharoplasty (surgery of the upper and lower eyelids)

Blepharoplasty – is a surgical intervention aimed at correcting the condition of the upper and lower eyelids (giving the eyes expressiveness and youthfulness). Upper and lower blepharoplasty can be performed either separately or comprehensively. Reasons that lead to this procedure include age-related or genetically conditioned changes in the tissues of the upper and/or lower eyelids, manifested by excess skin (sagging of the upper and bags under the eyes of the lower eyelid), as well as possible fat hernias in this area. [accordion][accor_block title="INDICATIONS FOR BLEPHAROPLASTY"] Excess skin and/or fatty hernias of the eyelids [/accor_block][accor_block title="BLEPHAROPLASTY TECHNIQUE"] According to preoperative measurements and markings, the excision of excess skin and removal of fat hernias are performed. On the lower eyelids, septoplasty and canthopexy (strengthening of the eye corner and lower eyelid) may be performed as indicated. Postoperative scars are concealed in the natural folds of the skin on the upper eyelid, and beneath the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. In this way, Scars become almost invisible over time. Lower blepharoplasty - preferably under general anesthesia [/accor_block][accor_block title="DURATION OF OPERATION"] Duration of operation is 1-2 hours depending on the amount of correction needed [/accor_block][accor_block title="HOSPITAL STAY"] No hospital stay is required under local anesthesia. For performing both upper and lower blepharoplasty under general anesthesia - the duration of hospital stay is 1 day [/accor_block][accor_block title="POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD AND REHABILITATION"]

    • Minor pain sensations during the first day, swelling and bruises may occur.
    • Stitches removal on the 4th-5th day.
    • Limited use of cosmetics until stitches are removed.
    • Avoiding direct sunlight to prevent pigmentation.

    [accor_block][accor_block title="RISKS"] Modern surgical techniques, surgeon's qualifications, and the level of clinic equipment allow minimizing potential risks. Nevertheless, you need to be aware of possible complications, with which you can familiarize yourself in the informed consent for the surgery. [/accor_block][/accordion]

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