Mammoplasty: prosthetics with silicone implants in Ukraine.
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Mammoplasty. Breast augmentation.

Mammoplasty. Breast augmentation.

Mammoplasty is a surgical operation to increase breast size using implants. Modern breast implants have a shell made of silicone elastomer - the most inert material in relation to the body. The fillers can be saline, hydrogel, or silicone gel. From our experience, The natural softness and safety of the implant are best ensured by a high-cohesive silicone gel with a shape memory effect combined with a special barrier and double elastomeric layer, making the implant extremely resistant to damage. We use only those silicone implants, for which manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty. [accordion][accor_block title="INDICATIONS FOR BREAST AUGMENTATION:"]

  • Insufficient volume of mammary glands as a manifestation of developmental features of the body (mammary gland hypoplasia);
  • Insufficient (as per the patient's opinion) breast size. I.e. desire to have a larger breast size;
  • The need or desire to adjust the size or shape of asymmetrical breasts, make the breasts more proportional to the body overall;
  • The need or desire to change the volume and shape of the breasts, which were lost due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or age;
  • - The necessity or desire to change or restore the shape of the breast after removal or other surgical intervention in this area; - In some cases, it may be recommended to perform mammoplasty simultaneously with breast lift augmentation (mastopexy). Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the surgeon chooses one of the three types of access for breast augmentation: under the breast (submammary), around the nipple (periareolar), in the armpit area (axillary, transaxillary), as well as the implant placement: under the mammary gland (subglandular), under the muscle (submuscular), above the muscle under its own fascia (subfascial), dual plane positioning (dual plane)
    • General anesthesia (intravenous anesthesia)
    • General anesthesia (endotracheal anesthesia)

    [/accor_block][accor_block title="DURATION OF THE OPERATION"] The duration of the operation is 50 min. – 1 hr. 20 min. [/accor_block][accor_block title="HOSPITAL STAY"] After the breast augmentation surgery, the hospital stay is 1-3 days. This is due to the possible need to install drains in the cavities formed for the implants to control hemostasis. [/accor_block] [/accor_block][accor_block title="POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD AND REHABILITATION"] You can return to everyday life with some restrictions 3-4 days after the surgery. Physical activity is limited from 10 days to 1 month depending on the type and intensity of the load. Wearing compression garments is mandatory for 1 month. Prescriptions for medications, procedures, and activity regimens are individual. The results of breast augmentation are assessed 6-9 months after the surgery. [/accor_block][accor_block title="RISKS OF BREAST AUGMENTATION"] Modern surgical techniques, surgeon's qualifications, and the level of clinic equipment allow to minimize possible risks. However, it is necessary to be aware of potential complications, which you can find out about in the informed consent for the surgery. [/accor_block][/accordion]

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