Breast reduction (reductive mammaplasty)
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Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty)

Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty)
Sometimes having excessively large breasts not only looks unaesthetic but can also cause physical discomfort. The significant weight of large breasts over time leads to functional changes in the body, which manifest as the appearance of headaches (due to constant strain of the back and neck muscles), stooped posture, neck deformations, and even respiratory function impairment. Indications for breast reduction surgery often have a physiological rather than a cosmetic basis. The goal of the operation is to achieve a breast that is proportionate to the rest of the body, lighter and more beautiful as a result. In shaping the desired breast form, reduction of the areola is often made to match the new proportions. [accordion][accor_block title="INDICATIONS FOR BREAST REDUCTION"] Disproportionately large breasts (cosmetic indications) Large breasts, causing physical discomfort or physiological disorders of the body (physiological indications) [/accor_block][accor_block title="SURGICAL TECHNIQUE"] Common to all breast reduction surgery techniques is the making of an incision along the lower half-circle or around the areola with its extension in a vertical direction from the areola to the fold under the breast. After the excision of excess skin, subcutaneous fat tissue, and if necessary, part of the breast gland tissue, the newly formed arrays are secured in the designated position. There remain barely noticeable (hidden in the pigmented area of the areola) and visible vertical scars. [/accor_block][accor_block title="ANESTHESIA"] General anesthesia is used: intravenous or endotracheal anesthesia [/accor_block][accor_block title="DURATION OF SURGERY"] The breast reduction surgery lasts 2-3 hours depending on the extent of the surgical intervention. [/accor_block][accor_block title="HOSPITAL STAY"] Considering the use of general anesthesia during surgery, and for the purpose of hemostasis control, we recommend spending a day in the hospital. [accor_block][accor_block title="POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD AND REHABILITATION"]Within a few days, possible painful sensations caused by the surgery itself subside. Social activity with some physical restrictions is restored within 5-7 days after the operation. Full physiological recovery occurs within a month. The results of the surgery can be evaluated after 5-6 months. [/accor_block][accor_block title="RISKS"]Modern surgical techniques, The surgeon's qualification and the clinic's equipment level allow minimizing possible risks. Nevertheless, it is necessary to be aware of potential complications, which you can learn about in the informed consent for the surgery. [/accor_block][/accordion]

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