Aesthetic gynecology
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Aesthetic gynecology

Aesthetic gynecology

Aesthetic gynecology addresses a multitude of issues in a woman's intimate life -- it helps rejuvenate and restore the vagina, perineum, postoperative scars…
Often -- without surgery and quickly. Moreover, women under 30 frequently inquire about intimate rejuvenation. It seems -- a paradox. BUT... Global statistics provide a clear answer to the question -- why women of reproductive age are actively interested in aesthetic gynecology: 20% of women experience painful sensations during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), Every fifth woman experiences problems with urinary incontinence after childbirth, and more than half of all women have prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls after the age of 55... In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, medical indications often intersect with aesthetics and sexual relations. Prevention of aging, correcting the current situation, and vaginal rejuvenation should and can be addressed at any age. This is just as important as caring for the beauty and health of the entire body.

The range of services provided by obstetricians-gynecologists at our clinic is so extensive that all you need to do is consult with our specialist -- and you will receive a detailed consultation on any aesthetic or pathological condition in the intimate area of the body. Today, nothing is impossible!

Call the clinic's reception at 0963701324.

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