Livial - Hormone therapy for improving the well-being of women in menopause.
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Trattamento della menopausa:

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28у.е. (В наявності)

LIVIAL (ITALIA) | Trattamento della menopausa
A medication for the treatment of climacteric syndrome. It stabilizes the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system during the climacteric period, achieved through the estrogenic (female sex hormones), progestogenic (similar to the action of corpus luteum hormones), and weak androgenic (similar to the action of male sex hormones) properties of the medication. In postmenopausal women (in the post-climacteric period), Livial at a daily dose of 2.5 mg suppresses the secretion of gonadotropins (pituitary hormones that stimulate the activity of the sex glands), does not stimulate endometrial proliferation (increase in the number of cells in the inner layer of the uterus due to their multiplication), prevents bone mass loss in the postmenopausal period, reduces the degree of vasomotor disorders ("hot flashes," sweating), has a positive effect on libido (sexual desire) and mood, and has a stimulating effect on the vaginal mucosa. In fertile women (women of childbearing age), the medication inhibits ovulation (suppresses the release of a mature egg from the ovary). Tablets of 2.5 mg are packaged in 28 pieces. Livial is taken at 1 tablet (2.5 mg) per day, preferably at the same time each day.

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