Operation Marmara, varicocele treatment, male infertility treatment.
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VARICOCELE... MARMARA OPERATION What do these melodious words hide? Varicocele is nothing but the expansion of the veins of the pampiniform plexus of the testicle. Approximately 20% of men are found to have pathology of the testicular veins during examination, with varicocele more often forming on the left, less often on the right, but bilateral varicose expansion of the testicular veins can also be observed. The causes of varicocele vary, and this disease manifests differently in everyone: one patient may have testicular damage, while another may not. Why? There is no exact explanation...
Nevertheless, the main mechanisms of testicular damage in the context of varicocele are well studied.
- The first is overheating due to venous blood stasis, which disrupts the sperm maturation process.
- The second - hormonal functions of the testis and testosterone production may decrease in the context of high temperatures.
- The third mechanism is autoimmune, when due to poor blood supply to the testis, antibodies that damage the tissue of the organs begin to appear in the male body. What are the main complaints and symptoms in patients with varicocele?
1 Pain.. It usually appears in the evening, is mild and aching, and pulling in nature on the affected side in the testicle or scrotum and groin. The pain may increase with lifting heavy weights and usually subsides when lying down after resting.
2 With prolonged varicocele, some men experience testicular atrophy, that is, a reduction in its size, which negatively affects hormonal and reproductive function. In 40% of cases, varicocele is a factor in male infertility!
3. Noticeable expansion of veins in the groin area.
Medicinal treatment of varicocele is not used in most countries around the world, although some pediatric urologists prescribe medications in the early stages of the disease that strengthen the venous walls. However, the effectiveness of such treatment is not proven.

Marmara operation
The most effective method of treating varicocele to date is surgical. Its essence is to eliminate venous blood stasis in the testicle by ligating the veins. There are different types of surgical interventions, but the gold standard is considered to be the Marmara operation, performed under a microscope.
The microscope allows to clearly distinguish nerves from veins and other vessels, therefore, in the postoperative period, pain due to nerve bundle damage is rare, and the recurrence rate is practically reduced to zero. There is virtually no rehabilitation period with the Marmara operation.
After the Marmara operation, mobility, concentration, and the percentage of normal sperm significantly improve, including compared to other surgical methods of treatme

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