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Operative gynecology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs using surgical methods. It includes a wide range of procedures, from minor operations to complex surgical interventions.

Operative gynecology may be necessary in cases where conservative treatment does not yield results or is ineffective. It may also be required in the presence of tumors, cysts, polyps,
anomalies of the development of reproductive organs and other diseases.
Among the most common surgical procedures in operative gynecology are:

Hysterectomy – removal of the uterus in the presence of tumors, fibroids, bleeding, or other problems.

Oophorectomy – removal of the ovaries in the presence of tumors or other problems.

Laparoscopy – a minimally invasive surgical procedure, which allows examination and treatment of abdominal organs through small incisions in the abdominal wall.

Hysteroscopy is a procedure in which the inner surface of the uterus is examined using a special instrument inserted through the vagina.

Conization of the cervix is the removal of part of the cervix to treat precancerous conditions or cancer.

Operative gynecology can be performed both in inpatient settings and outpatient centers.
Before the operation, patients undergo necessary examinations and preparation to minimize risks and ensure maximum effectiveness of the treatment.

operative gynecology is an important and necessary branch of medicine that allows for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the female reproductive organs.
However, before conducting any surgery, it is necessary to thoroughly discuss all possible risks and side effects with the attending physician.

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